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Waking up the next morning in the arms of who you love is something I really want to get used to. I smile as I brush hair away from in front of his closed eyes. I giggle quietly when he mumbles and wrinkle his nose. Carefully sitting up and getting out of bed I stretch, my cat ears rest against my head as I yawn and my tail waves as I walk into the kitchen. I find pancake mix and mix a batch of them, the smell of the delicious food traveling all throughout the apartment. I just finish putting the last one onto the stack when Shizuo walks in, "morning." He smiles at me and I smile back. Once I set the table and get us glasses of milk I sit across from him, putting a few pancakes on my plate with a little bit of syrup. As we eat we sit in a comfortable silence. I clean up the table and we sit on the couch. After I sit down Shizuo pulls me into his side and I happily snuggle into his chest. "Izaya?" I close my eyes as he runs his fingers through my hair, "hmm?" He wraps his free arm around my waist and I rest one of my hands on his chest by my face. I can feel his chest move as he talks, "are we dating?" I chuckle and raise my head only to chuckle again when I see his face is a little pink, "well I hope so." I smile at him and he smiles back, "good." We spend the rest of the morning watching tv, snuggled up with each other. 

My phone rings and I pick it up, answering it, "hello Shinra." I can hear the smile in his voice, "Izaya you need to come over right now! I think I can fix you!" He hangs up and I stare at my phone in shock. He-he can fix me? My stomach flops at the notion and I sit back on the couch, frowning. What will happen when I turn back to normal? Will Shizuo still want to be with me? My heart clenches with worry. I can't bare the thought of him not wanting me. He's at work, got called in about an hour ago. I sigh and slip on my shoes, putting my hands in the pockets of the sweatshirt I still haven't givin back to Shizuo and walk to Shinra's, hiding my ears under the hood while my tail is wrapped around my waist. The closer I get to Shinra's the more my heart seems to squeeze uncomfortably. I knock on the door with a shaky hand and try and put on a normal smile when he answers the door, "come on in Izaya!" He leads me to the couch and we both sit down, he turns and smiles at me, "I had just finished it this morning and I'm almost positive that It'll work!" He smiles brightly at me and I give a halfhearted smile and look down at my lap. "Izaya what's wrong? I thought you'd be happy about this." I can hear the frown in his voice and I sigh, "I am its just......." I rub my face and Shinra puts his hand on my shoulder, "Shizuo and I are dating now." I look at him and he smiles big again, "really!? Thats great Izaya! I can't wait to tell Celty she'll be so happy for you two and....." He frowns slightly when I don't smile, "your worried that things will go back to the way they were before all this happened when you get turned back to normal..." I nod and look back down at my lap, "I don't want to loose him Shinra." I hear him sigh and he gently grabs my chin and makes me look at him, "if he really does care about you and if you really care about him then you won't loose him Izaya." He smiles softly at me and I nod, "ok." He gets up and leaves the room but returns shortly after with a shot. I grimace at the needle and he smiles, "you know it'll only hurt for a second." I nod and move up my sleeve, he wipes a spot on my arm with a medical wipe and I look away as he inserts the needle, gritting my teeth when I feel the sting of the needle. Its not that it hurts its just the whole idea of sticking it inside the skin that bothers me. "There we go! Now I don't know how long this will take or if it will work at all but I want you to stay here just so I can monitor you." Shinra throws away the used needle and I nod, "I think I'll take a nap then, I'm pretty tired." I maneuver myself so I'm laying on my side. I close my eyes and vaguely feel a blanket being draped over me as I fall asleep. 

Finally I'm off work! Today was a pain in my ass! I just got back to my apartment and am slipping off my shoes when I notice how quiet it is. "Izaya?" I see that he's not in the living room and as I walk down the hall to my bedroom I hear the shower running. I sigh, not knowing why I was worried and sit on the couch, taking off my tie and vest and undoing a few buttons on my shirt. "How was work?" I turn around and my eyes widen with surprise, "I-Izaya your...." He smiles softly and walks around the couch and sits next to me, but not close. "I went to Shinra's while you were at work. I didn't want to call you while you were working." He's not looking at me, he's staring down at his lap and his wet hair is preventing me from seeing his eyes but I can see that his mouth is in a slight frown and his hands are held tightly together. I look back up at him, "I'm glad that he could finally fix this." He nods and I frown, "Izaya whats wrong?" He shakes his head and finally looks up at me and his eyes seem glossy, "nothing it's stupid." I slide closer to him and gently hold his hands in mine, "if its bothering you then its not stupid. I know your not used to sharing your feeling with others but if we want us to work you have to talk to me Izaya." He looks up at my face and I smile encouragingly. "I was scared." He looks back down and I gently grab his chin and tilt his head up so he's looking at me, "of?" His lip quivers and I squeeze his hand, "scared that you wouldn't want to be with me once I was normal." I feel my face fall into a frown and he moves his eyes so he's looking past me. "Izaya look at me." He looks at me and his eyes are even more glossy, "I know that our relationship isn't gonna be perfect but no matter what you look like or how you act I still love you." His eyes water and I pull him into a hug, wrapping him tightly in my arms and he returns it, I can feel how tightly he's gripping the back of my shirt. "I love you Shizuo." He practically sobs into my chest and I kiss the top of his head, "I love you too Izaya." 

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