Freedom once more.

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"And who are you?" The male officer asks as I approach him, I look up and see the man with dark reddish hair and brown eyes his hair was short compared to Ralof and Ulfric.
"My name..." I start in the up most confident voice, " My name is Samantha and I'm from Darkwater Crossing." The imperial looks down at the list in his hands.
"Captain. What should we do? She's not on the list." The man says to the lady in the heavy imperial armor as he looks up from the list.
"Forget the list. She goes to the block." The female orders, Fucking wonderful... I think to myself.
"By your Orders, Captain." The man replies before turning his head to me, " Follow the Captain, prisoner."With that I turn my attention towards the female and follow her to the block before stopping next to Ralof.
"Ulfric Stormcloak." General Tullius starts up with a loud booming voice, "Some here in helgen may call you a hero. But a hero doesn't use a power like the voice to murder his king and usurp his throne." The wind breezes by, the cold air tickling my nose once more. Ulfric couldn't say a thing in his defence since he was gagged so all anyone could make out from him was muffled grunts of sorts. "You started this war, plunged skyrim into chaos, and now the Empire is gonna put you down and restore the peace!" The moment general Tullius finishes his sentence an indescribable sound comes from the sky from a distance it sounded almost like a roar? Immediately, people began questioning the sound.
"What was that?" The imperial Male with the list asks.
"Its nothing. Carry on!" General Tullius commands,
"Yes, General Tullius." The female Captain responds before turning to the Priestess of Arkay " Give them their last rites." She orders the Priestess.
"As we commend your souls to Aetherius, Blessings of the 8 divines upon you, For you are the Salt and Earth of Nirn, Our beloved..." The Priestess spouts out before the Stormcloak to my left decides enough's enough.
"For the Love of Talos, Shut up and Lets get this over with!" The Stormcloak shouts at her whilst walking towards the block clearly just wanting to get this over with.
"As you wish." The Priestess says with much offence in her voice. The executioner stands off to the side while the female guard gets the stormcloak into position on the block as she finishes he speaks his final words,
"My Ancestors are smiling at me imperials, Can you say the same?" He says as the executioner lifts his axe over his body before he violently clashes it down right onto the neck of the stormcloak and his head rolls into the basket as the bottom part of his body immediately becomes lifeless. 
"You Imperial Bastards!" A female Stormcloak calls out.
"Justice!" One man from the townspeople calls out in response.
"Death to the Stormcloaks!" A Female shouts.I sigh, this is what's gonna be said when I die and I'm not even a stormcloak supporter! I was annoyed but I couldn't do anything about it so I sat quietly.
"As fearless in death, as he was in life." Ralof States sadly before the female Captain calls out for the next person.
"Next the Nord in the Rags!" She calls out, I gulp. She wanted me next. I walk gently towards my fate with eyes of mercy from the stormcloaks and eyes of hate from the townspeople of Helgen. I stand tall with as much confidence as I could muster up before I die, I don't want to die looking like a coward. The Captain pushes me onto the block roughly, as my head was look up and and off to the side I watch as the executioner lifts his axe high off the ground with the sun glistening behind him. This is it... This is my last sight. I close my eyes hard, but I heard the same sound from before and I opened my eyes. As the executioner, gets ready to chop my head off something flies behind him and everyone begins to panic.
"It's in the Clouds!" One person shouts as a large unknown black beast larger than the tower he sat up on wings on back his neck long and up right, only one word can describe such a creature.
"Dragon!" A female shouts in terror, Next thing I know the executioner topples to the ground as the dragon shouts pushing anything in its path to the ground I stumble off the block while still keeping my eyes on the Dragon he shouts once more as I begin to stumble my way to stand up. As soon as I stand up with my hands still bound an all too familiar voice speaks to me.
"Hey Kinsman, This way the gods won't give us another chance!" Ralof shouts to me among the chaos I run with him to the nearby tower where other stormcloaks are with their Leader Ulfric.
"Jarl Ulfric. What is that thing? Could the legends be true?!" Ralof asks in a panicked tone as I lean up against the tower door to hold it shut.
"Legends don't burn down villages.." Ulfric Responds in a cold calm tone. The tower shakes some as the dragon flies up over head shouting down onto the town.
"We need to move, Now!" Ulfric shouts to his people and I can't help but agree with him.
"Up through the tower, lets go!" Ralof shouts to me and I nod running up the stairs I get Half way up when the dragon bursts through the side of the tower before breathing flames onto the stormcloak the was unlucky enough to be up there. I stumble on impact but am able to get up and see that the there was an inn directly next to the tower and with a hole in the roof allowing access into the inn. Ralof who was behind me says " See the inn on the other side? Jump through the roof and keep going! We'll follow if we can!" and with that I take a running start and jump through the hole in the inn and crashed down onto the the wooden floor. I get up as fast as I can and head out onto the street before I run into The imperial Male from before and a man I've not yet met up ahead was the young boy from before and his father lying in the street with a blood pool around him.
"Hamming you need to get over here, Now!" The imperial male shouts to the boy and the boy obeys and comes towards and hides behind the rubble next to the unknown man "Now! Torolf!" The imperial calls out to the father until the dragon appears behind hum leaving us no choice but to retreat behind rubble before the dragon says " Yool... Toor...Shul!" and then proceeds to burn the man named Torolf to a crisp. I shelter the young boy from the sight not wanting him to go through the same pain I went through when my mother died.
"Still alive Prisoner? Keep close to me if you want to stay that way." The imperial male commands me he then turns to the Other man and child, " Gunnar, Take care of the boy I have to find General Tullius and join their defence."
"Gods Guide you, Hadvar." Gunnar says as Hadvar grabs my binds and drags me off along the city watching me of all sorts fight of the the dragon who didn't seem to take any damage from their arrows. Hadvar finally leads me into a Tower and once we are inside rubble seems to fall onto the door locking us in the tower. As I pant and try to regain my breath Hadvar begins speaking, "Looks like we're the only ones who made it. Was that really a dragon? The bringers of the end times?"
"Who knows? I sure as hell don't." I say
"We should keep moving. Come here let me see if I can get those bindings off." Hadvar Replied,
"Thank the Gods I thought Id never get these stupid things off!" I walk up to him and show my bindings to him as he uses his dagger to cut them off with ease and I start finally having feeling in my hands again I felt free.
"There you go. Take a look around, there should be plenty of gear to choose from. I'm going to see if I can find something for these burns." I take a look in a nearby chest and find a female set of imperial armor and boots and an iron sword which I quickly change into behind Hadvar. The armor fit well enough for now I couldn't wait to head to a nearby town and get better armor. We head off through the keep fighting a wave of leftover stormcloaks from the dragon attack as well as spiders and a bear when we finally reach the end of the cave and head out into skyrim. Once outside the fresh air of skyrim hit me hard and the realization that I was one of few people who survived a dragon attack and was gonna live to tell the tale. However my celebration was cut short by the black dragon that flew over head and was head north of us. we hid behind a big rock until the beast was out of sight.
"Looks like he's gone for good this time. But I don't think we should stick around to see if he comes back." Hadvar states.
" Yea... except I have no idea where I am or where to go!" I respond slightly upset knowing that if I go back to darkwater crossing who knows what could happen.
"Well... Closest town from here is Riverwood. My uncle is the blacksmith there. I'm sure he could help you out." Hadvar responds.
"hmm... alright I'll head to Riverwood then."
"It's probably best if we split up..."
"What? Are you crazy? No way I'm sticking with you so I don't get lost!" Hadvar thinks for a minute to himself before agreeing to let me follow him. Along the way he talks about how I should join the imperials and that they could use someone like me.
"Sorry Hadvar... Id love too but I have other plans." I say.
"What sort of plans?" He asks me, I explain what had happened to me before I was captured. How my mother was killed by a man and named Gaius Maro and his Father. I also explain that I wish to start new and better life as if none of that all happened, Under a new name a fresh start to a life in skyrim. To live in honor, To take charge of my life.
"I want to join the Companions."

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