In Helgen For the Execution.

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I sigh and sit gently back on the hardwood of the carriage taking in all the sights and smells before my final moments, one of the men a nord with semi long blonde hair and a small braid on the side of his head noticed I was awake,
"Hey you... you're finally awake?" the man asks nonchalantly I look to him and nod gently in response "You were trying to cross the border?Walked right into that imperial ambush.Same as us... and that thief over there." he continues while looking to his left side gesturing to the other nord next to him I look to my right to see a man with dirty blonde hair with a braid on the side of his head with a gag on him. I sigh sadly and look down at my hands,
"Damn you stormcloaks... skyrim was fine until you came along.." started up the nord next to the blonde guy "The empire was nice and lazy if they hadn't been looking for you I could've stolen that horse and been halfway to hammerfell..." he then looks sharply at me " You there... you and me we Shouldn't be here. It's these stormcloaks the empire wants!" 
"We're all brothers and sisters in binds now thief..." The blonde states,
"Shut up back there!" The imperial guard hollers at us. I groan slightly, not believing that all this was happening all because her dad was a stormcloak soldier. I tried to tune out as much of the conversation as I could but to no avail.
"What's wrong with him huh?" The nord whose name I learned was Lokir,
"Watch your tongue! Your speaking to Ulfric Stormcloak! The true high king!" The blonde named Ralof snapped.
"Ulfric? The Jarl of Windhelm? Your the Leader of the rebellion! If they've captured you... Oh Gods, where are they taking us?" Responded Lokir who now has become painfully aware of what all our fates are. 
"I don't know where we are going but Sovngarde awaits." Ralof sighs.
"No, This can't be happening this isn't happening!" Lokir says this in a pleading tone I can't help but want to shut him up, mostly because he keeps reminding me of what's to come and I'd rather not think of that till the moment comes. I was pissed not only because im being killed of false accusations made by some pompous commander who had more authority over guards than a regular commander who just so happens to be his stupid son that killed my mom, but I was also on the same wagon as the leader of the fucking Stormcloaks this entire time! today was sure gonna be the worst last day of my life ever! I grumble to myself as the two moron nords talk with each other.
"Hey, what village are you from, horse thief?" Ralof Starts the conversation back up again with lokir.
"Why do you care?" Lokir grouches,
"A nords last thoughts... should be of home." Ralof explains.
"Rorikstead. I'm... I'm from Rorikstead." Lokir says in defeat.
I take notice that we've passed through the gates to a city i'm not familiar with there's a tall tower in the middle of the town and houses along a narrowly wide dirt path. The snow was no longer around us, only the green lavishness of Spring here. I look around and see two people on horses one is an Altmer Elf lady whos wearing black robes and the general of the imperials, General Tullius.
"Look at him, General Tullius the military governor. And it looks like the Thalmor are with him. Damn Elves. I beat they had something to do with this!" Ralof Scoffs in disgust, while I just roll my eyes at him. As we slowly make our way to our impending dooms Ralof begins getting nostalgic. 
"This is Helgen. I use to be sweet on a girl from here. Wonder if Vilod is still making that mead with juniper berries mixed in." Ralof sighs sadly before speaking up again "Funny, when I was a boy imperial walls and towers use to make me feel so safe." Ralof finishes off with another depressing sigh when I hear talking behind me of a young boy and his father.
"Who are they daddy? where are they going?" A little boy asks while he stares at me with curious little flickers in his eyes. I try my best to smile at the boy but he seems to know I'm faking it.
"You need to get inside, Little cub." His dad responds with a look of disgust towards me,
"Why? I wanna watch the soldiers." The boys responds.
"Inside the house. Now!" his father demands now fuming with anger.
"Yes, papa." The little boy mumbles and I turn back around to see the other carriages in a line up against the wall of the town when our carriage stops suddenly accompanied by the imperial soldier in control saying "Woah!" and reality set back into my mind. This is it. I think to myself, This is where I die... I get off the carriage with Ralof next to me and Lokir and Ulfric in front of us.
"Step towards the block when we call your name. One at a time!" a females voice calls out to us.
"Empire loves their damn lists." Ralof mumbles.
"You want that to be your final words?" I say Ralof looks at me in utter shock.
"So you can speak?" he responds.
"Duh.." I retort.
"Ulfric Stormcloak. Jarl of Windhelm." a male imperial soldier says in a monotone voice.As Ulfric begins walking toward the block.
"It has been an honor, Jarl Ulfric!" Ralof calls out.
"Ralof of Riverwood." The imperial calls out and Ralof walks to the block. "Lokir of Rorikstead."
Lokir walks up slightly but then stops and looks up at the imperials.
"No i'm not a rebel you can't do this!" Lokir says and right as I'm about to pray that he doesn't run, he runs. However he doesn't get very far when the female office yells "Halt!"
"Your not gonna kill me!" Lokir yells back.
"Archers!" the female calls out and Lokir is shot dead in his tracks, if I could facepalm I would. I sigh at the man known as Lokir's stupidity. the female officer turns back to face me.
"Anyone else feel like running?" she asks.
"Wait. You there. Step forward." the male officer says to me, I sigh before walking up to the two officers.
"And who are you?"

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