Chapter 9

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After Kira stormed out with lightening speed I was left staring at the door as it slowly swung shut, my brain reeling and trying to process what happened over a period of a few minutes. She had somehow worked out I was lying but to what depth I was not sure and she was taking it personally, leaving herself in a vulnerable situation. I didn’t know entirely where she went but I had a good idea and I knew it wouldn’t be smart to follow her. I knew I had to go and see her mother but it wasn’t the right timing but if she had gone to her father she could be in danger or worse be used as an element for his own gain of power. He had only ever wanted power and would always strive for more. I knew I had to talk to her mother and regretfully my father but I sucked in my own pride for Kira’s wellbeing.

Pulling myself together I allowed myself to calm down and let my wolf take over, his instincts guiding us to where I need to go. Remaining in human form, because the day was still light, I ran out the door and down the street, restraining myself from running at full speed.

I didn’t know how long I was running for, but I knew at least hours had to have passed, my muscles slowly feeling more and more strained as I pushed myself faster and faster, muscles contracting and pinching, once fluid movements felt like they were being weighed down by bricks. A forest slowly came into view; a feeling of relief at the escape to really run became more and more intense the closer I came to the forest.

Running past the first line of trees a let my wolf take over, stretching the muscles and feeling my bones change shape as he took over. Taking a small moment to paw the ground and stretch my legs out. Felling refreshed again I took off running knowing I was close. A loud growl echoed around me, causing my wolf to stop in its tracks, fighting desperately not to submit to the rising fear and run away.

I knew it was him I could feel the air tremor with the familiar power of the old alpha. The trees rustled with his movements, with each step the power grew, the feeling of submission growing, becoming harder and harder to ignore. Fear taking control of my body, enveloping me in a cage causing my feet to come to a halt. Trying to push them forward it was like I was met with an invisible wall, preventing me from moving forwards.

“You no longer control me,” I yelled into the emptiness, knowing he would hear me.

“How wrong you are,” a voice replied, echoing around me making it impossible to determine his location, his footsteps so light not a sound could be heard as he padded across the forest floor.

“You lost that right when you left, abandoned me for a vampire,”

“I had no choice,” the voice growled

“You had every choice but you choice a stranger over you own family, you chose to leave us behind to struggle, you chose to leave your pack for a vampire,” I spat hearing the own venom in my voice.

“I had to leave it was for best,” he replied and I could see the outline of his wolf as he started to enter the clearing.

“But you had a choice, you could have told me instead of leaving, leaving your mate, my mother to pick up the pieces of the pack whilst trying to pull herself together,”

“A choice that wasn’t mine to make, your mother knew what had to happen, she knew I couldn’t stay, and she was okay with the decision,”

“Okay with the decision? Did you see her after you left, did you come back even once to check and make sure she was okay? No you left and never looked back, to you she was now someone else. And what of me, your own son, your own flesh and blood, abandoned, left to look after his mother. Do you even know how old I was when you left?”

“12,” he responded softly

“Wrong, I was eight, eight years old and asked to take on the responsibility of an alpha, forced to become a shifter at your own hand and then before completing the transformation you left. You didn’t come back to make sure I had made the transformation, you didn’t care. The only reason you know I’m alive is because you were forced to contact me, forced to make me come to an understanding of the priestesses. And this was two years ago, so in 16 years you didn’t once look back, think to check on me,”

“I couldn’t afford to look back, I had to protect you, going back would have meant showing a weakness to me, to my priestess. I knew you would make it, you were my son, you had my blood and you would make it,”

“I was eight years old, eight. Half the age of a normal transformation, brought on because you made me, do you know what that does to an eight year olds life.”

“You had to shift before I could leave; I had to know you could protect yourself,”

“When an alpha shifts we are meant to take on the responsibilities of the alpha and you weren’t there so everyone looked to me. Mum was no longer responsible for the pack only a guide and you were nowhere around, I was eight and asked to be a pack leader. Do you know what my first responsibility was? What my first act as an alpha was? I had to decide whether or not someone I knew, someone who I considered a friend was to live or die, because he befriended a rogue, someone who was perceived as a threat to the pack and it was my job to give the final say of whether or not he lived, a friend of mine. That is no decision to put on an eight year olds shoulders.” I yelled at him, the man I once looked at as a father, tears beginning to form.

“What did you decide?”

“That’s not the point!” I screamed at him, “Let me go of your control and fight me, I want to be able to do what I wanted to do 18 years ago, when you left. You destroyed my life now let me destroy yours. Do you know what shifting at the age of eight does to your body? The bones don’t set properly when you shift back, so every year I had to have them re-broken so as I grew they would form properly. For eight years every couple of week my bones had to be broken just so I could grow the way a normal boy is to grow.” I could feel his hold slowly breaking on me, I didn’t know if it was him or if in my blind rage I was breaking away from him, all I knew was that it was weak enough to allow me to move, so I did. I leaned back slightly on my hind legs and jumped.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2012 ⏰

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