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Plot : You and Jughead are falling apart and you can't take anymore so you take matters into your own hands

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Plot : You and Jughead are falling apart and you can't take anymore so you take matters into your own hands.

Warning : Angst + VERY SAD!! GET TISSUES!!

He no longer kisses me,hugs me,smile at me not even look at me like he used to. I love him so much it hurts me so much it brings me to tears every day. I couldn't take it anymore. I tried to lie to myself and say it's just that he's going through a lot of stuff with the Southside business or family issues but I knew deep down....

he no longer loved me.

It was time to end my suffering and confront him about this before it gets out of hands.

"Juggie, you home?"

"I'm busy right now Y/N maybe later"


"WHAT SO IMPORTANT Y/N? Can't you see I'm busy!"

"Too busy that you act like I'm dead or something!"

"What are you talking about?!"

"I'm talking about us. We're falling apart Jughead. We used to be so in love and happy every time we saw each other, now it seems like we're just strangers to each other."

"What do you mean "strangers" ? We're falling apart?!"

"Yes Juggie. We're falling apart, you never kiss me anymore,hug me not even smile at me when you see me!"

"Well I'm sorry I can't give you all the attention in the world Y/N! I do have a life!"

"Am I not apart of your life anymore...?"

"You know what Y/N?! I'm sick of tired of you whining and screaming at me because I don't give you enough attention, why don't you go to Reggie or something I'm sure he will gladly give you all the attention your desperately seeking!!"

"I'm not a attention seeker, you just don't seem to care anymore about me!"



"Y/N I didn'-"

"What!? You didn't mean it sure sounded like you did, since you don't care about me anymore I guess we are done!"

I ran outside in the pouring rain. I couldn't see anything from the pools of tears in my eyes and the constant drops of water hitting my eyes.

I heard Jughead screaming my name from behind me so I ran faster than I possibly could. I felt him grab my arm and pull me around to face him.

"Y/N I'm so sorry for what I said we can fix this. Fix us."

I slowly got out of his grip and started to walk backwards.

"There's no more us anymore after what you said Jughead. You no longer love me"

"Of course I lov- Y/N WATCH OUT!!"

I turned around to see bright lights blinding me and then I felt a excruciating pain in my whole body and darkness overcome me.

Jughead P.O.V

I watch as the car smashed into her with immense force, I ran as fast as I could to her. She laid as still as a statue on the wet ground. I picked her up and placed her in my lap, I checked for a pulse but there was none.

"Y/N Nooooooo!! I'm so so sorry, I never meant to hurt you, I love you so much don't leave me now.I need you so much you have no idea. You are the best thing that ever happened to me, I can't live without you.Please come back to me. Please..."

I caressed her/his cheek hoping she/he would wake up but she/he never did.

She/He was gone and it's all my fault.

A/N - Part 2 is ❤️

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