When did it start? How long has it been going on? How many times? With who? What did you do with them? Why was I not enough?

It gives me whiplash to think of all the possible answers, but I know that the only way to completely let it go and become okay with it is to know.

"I didn't want to accept it, to know that it's true, but it is and I was kidding myself to try and state otherwise," I'm out of breath and the cold air does little to cool down my burning cheeks. "Eric I know that you've been-"

"Nina!" We both turn to Braylee who is running at us with a smile on her face. "Guess what?"

"What?" I ask, trying to seem excited when all I want to do is get through with what I was about to say.

"That guy I was telling you about - you know the one from New Year's Eve-?" I nod. "He asked me out! On a date. Tonight!"

I smile, genuinely happy. I know she'll never admit it, but the fact that this guy walked out on her the next morning and not the other way around really wounded her.

"That's great, Bray," I tell her. "I'm happy for you."

"I know right!" She jumps up and down. She stops abruptly with a shocked look on her face. "Holy shit I need to find something to wear. Come on we have to go."

"Wait, Bray," I try to stop her from dragging me into the car. "I was kind of talking to, Eric-"

"It can wait. I have a hot date tonight and need my cousin slash best friend to help pick out my outfit." And that's that. "By Eric!"



I finally get home around four - thirty. I successfully picked out an outfit for Braylee and her date is at six. The only thing I didn't successfully do is tell Eric what's going on. I was so close and now it's all wiped away.

"Ugh," I groan and fall face first on to my bed.

"What's wrong with you?" I shoot up and look towards the sound of the voice. Jace is by the open window, a weird look on his face.

"Lots," I run a hand over my hair to get it out of my face.

"Care to share?" He asks, walking over to me after the window shuts.

"Not really," I say, with a smile which he scoffs at. I decide to not share the tid bit where Eric doesn't know yet because I don't want to ruin anyone's mood.

"If you don't want to talk," he smirks, placing one knee on the bed. I heat up at the suggestive tone he uses. "Than I suggest something a little different."

I lick my lips and Jace dives in. I moan at the first glimpse of contact and he sifts his fingers through my hair until he gets to the roots and tilts my head to his liking. I fall back against the mattress and he takes the opportunity to settle between my hips.

I kiss him back the same way he kisses me and I forget all about what happened earlier. I even forget to ask about his disappearance in school today. We'll address it later.

The kiss turns heated and raw very fast, consuming the air around us. I'm breathing fast, Jace is breathing fast and we're both trying to feel each other up as much as possible. I'm a moaning, whimpering mess to the point that I'm lifting my hips to meet Jace's. He tugs at my bottom lip. I pull his hair. He slides his hand up my shirt and I run my crotch against.

Faulty on my part, I don't lock my door or remember that anyone's home and next thing I know the energy completely changes.

"Nina mom-" and everything I know is rearranged. "What the fuck!"

I push Jace off me faster than anyone can blink and immediately begin to panic. This is bad. Really bad. What have I done?

"Caleb, shh, it's not what it looks like." I'm panicking, anyone can freaking see that it is exactly what it looks like.

"Are you fucking crazy?" He looks completely disgusted. "Of course it's what it looks like. You were kissing another fucking guy! You have a boyfriend, Nina, or did you forget?"

"Please, Caleb," I beg. "Just shut the door and I swear I'll explain everything. Please."

He contemplates it for the longest five seconds of my life and seems to accept it, but God isn't on my side today and in walks Eric. I'm dead. I died.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me," Jace mutters under his breath, standing by my side. I'm on the verge of crying at this point because I know there is no getting out of this one.

Eric is going to find out things in the worst way possible and my brother is looking at me like I committed the worst crime.

"Eric what are you doing here?" I ask to buy myself some time, but it's honestly pointless.

"I was worried about you," his eyes shift to Jace and they immediately harden. "What is he doing here."

"I-I-" I stutter.

"Oh, you didn't know?" Caleb asks with venom coating his words. I beg with my eyes for him not to, but he has no reason to think otherwise. He doesn't know what Eric has done, he doesn't know that it was him first.

"Know what?" Eric asks, seemingly oblivious, but absolutely furious.

"Eric, please," I begin to sob. I don't want to hurt him, but this is more about the truth than anything else. Caleb is going to think I cheated and Eric will play it off as well because he doesn't know I saw him cheat first.

"Tell me, Caleb," Eric demands without taking his eyes off of Jace and me. I'm crying hysterically and go to grab Eric, but Jace holds me back causing my ex-boyfriends eyes to turn to slits. "Don't fucking touch her."

I've never heard him swear before. Yes, Nina, that's the big issue here.

"Don't tell me what to do," Jace growls and I have to physically hold him back from getting in Eric's personal space. This is going south really fast. "She's not yours anymore-"

"I caught Nina making out with Jace on her bed," Caleb spits out, obviously not liking that Jace is trying to protect me.

You could hear a pin drop after the words are out. And then I see Eric lunge for Jace.


Guys you already know I'm on a roll!!! The secret isn't necessarily out, but it is at the same time!!! I'm screaming so much right now my voice is lost.

What do you think? Why wasn't Jace at school? Are you mad Braylee interrupted Nina's talk with Eric? Should Caleb have told Eric?

Don't be a silent reader!!

Enjoy. Love you all <3

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