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Oh my god


This doesn't make sense, but I don't want it to

Yeah I'm just trying not to overthink it ya know


So where do we go from here?

I guess we should become friends


I mean it's not everyday that two people have the exact same dream, it's gotta mean something

Yeah, but it didn't feel like a dream

It felt so real....

How did yours end?

You said that I should go or something

Oh, mine ended with you dying



Tf does that mean!? Why didn't you die in mine!

Maybe you'll die early

Wtf Lucas

I'm kidding babe chill

Damn you're already calling me babe and we've been talking for 20 minutes



I'm starting to forget already

Forget what

The dream

Oh gosh okay we need to write down every single thing that happened, okay? Go write it down, and I'll write it down too okay? That dream is hella important, we can't forget anything.

Who says hella tho

Wow so I see petty and sarcastic dream Lucas wasn't very far from real Lucas

Technically I'm your dream come true sooooooo

Was that supposed to be smooth?


I don't even know who you are kiddo

You have to like me, you had a Fanpage
Oh my gosh
Do you have a Fanpage in real life?

No wtf I don't even know who are

Okay well, I know that's a lie because your bio literally says "I need a man that treats me how Gilbert treats Anne"


Caught in the act

Just go write

Will you text me again?

I don't think I have much of a choice

Nah you have a choice, I'm just irresistible



Stfu and go write

Text me later *number*

No promises

You will

And why is that

Because I'm irresistible

I'm debating blocking you

You won't do that either

Lemme guess, because you're irresistible


Seriously Lucas, go write and then go to sleep


Good night

Good night, dream girl

Princess//Lucas Jade Zumann {permanently unfinished}Where stories live. Discover now