Curious Thoughts (Part VI)

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Her eyes furrowed, "this is an emergency. My mom is in pain! And I'm more than willing to pay..." she said, hopeful that he would be gullible enough and believe her.

He sighed as he thought for a moment, Rachel simply pursed her lips and slammed the basket on the counter, making him scan the stuff so she could win some time. He did so.

"... Where is your mother?" The clerk finally asked.

"... Home." Came the reluctant answer. If she had spoken about a car or anything similar, the clerk would probably have volunteered to 'come help' and realize that everything was a ruse.

It still felt awfully suspicious though, "and where do you live? There isn't a single house in miles." He said as he finished scanning. Rachel saw the total price on the computer screen and quietly handed him the money.

"East from here," she said vaguely, "pretty deep in the forest. A quiet house, I had to walk for a long time."

"Why not call for an ambulance?" The clerk spoke slowly as he gave her the change.

"It isn't that bad, but still... I don't want to risk her getting an infection. If you would be so kind to sell me that first aid, we would be eternally grateful."

The clerk thought for a long moment before finally sighing in defeat. He took the first aid kit and gave it to her, shaking his head when she was about to pay.

"No need, just take it, little girl." He spoke softly as he gave her a warm pat on the head. "Take care of your mom, its okay."

Rachel warmly thanked the clerk, despite having stressed her out a little. It was good to meet some decent human beings for once, not that there weren't any, but still; they were a rare kind.

She and Zack were definitely scums, unworthy of any type of kindness due to their sins. However, survival of the fittest it was, witty and clever they must be.


'Fuck fuck fuck fuuuuuck!'

Zack paced around the cabin while firmly holding his head; trying his mightiest to remember anything from the night before. His memories had been scattered to pieces, leaving only confusing bits to flash every now and then within his mind.

He had no clue at what was going on, how he got that weird, freaky-looking device attached to his neck; and more importantly, how he managed to blow his cover and bring the cops straight towards their hideout.

"Damn it, remember, remember!" He urged himself, knocking on his head to try and... stir something, earn a piece of his scattered memories. He never thought too hard about things, never! But this was different, this was about both his and Rachel's safety...

"Alright, think... thiiiiiink!"

Zack leaned on the wooden wall and began to seriously try to remember. The last memory he had was of him sitting on top of a building... watching the crowds of people to see if a few would wander off in unpopular areas. He recalled that he had been disgusted but also intrigued at a few couple interactions he had witnessed... and he probably had been following a few too.

"A... couple?"

Yes, suddenly it started coming back.

He had been awfully focused on couples that day, for some suspicious and unknown reason. He had looked at them with the eyes of a young curious boy that was just learning something new and fascinating. He remembered that there was this one couple that stood out from the others, because they were louder, less discrete and funny-looking. The woman had been clad in clothes that were so skimpy, that he had practically seen her underwear a handful of times. The guy though, looked like a typical bad guy that would take advantage of girls, but for some reason, he had been staring at that weirdly-clothed girl like she meant the world to him... and it was annoying.

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