xviii. [the palace]

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Lonnie, chapter 18

RUMPELSTILTSKIN BROUGHT LONNIE to his castle and locked her up in a dungeon. It was cold and lonely. Lonnie laid back and attached her back to the cold, stone wall. She slowly closed her eyes and faded into sleep whilst shaking out of cold.

"I remember Evie saying that she only wants Red, Blue and Gold decorations for this Christmas tree." Lonnie pointed out and smiled.

Mal sighed quietly and nodded. She moved all the Pink, Green and Purple lights away. "Whatever Evie says..." She murmured and threw her head back.

"Usually our Christmas consists of Red and Green-" Jane started but was caught off by Evie chiming into the room.

"This isn't the usual Christmas, silly. This is the first time four of us are here and celebrating. I already have everything planed." She stated and proudly smiled to Mal. She returned the gesture.

"Okay! Ho Ho Ho! What are you ladies up to?!" Jay yelled as soon as him and Carlos entered the room.

"Planning the decoration of our Castle." Lonnie responded shortly.

"We have already planned it Lonnie, now it's time to get the work done!" Evie giggled, grabbed Mal's hand and walked out of the room.

"Jane, are you decorating the tree?" Carlos asked out of curiosity.

"Yes, Evie ordered me and Lonnie to get this done, since according to her she has many other things to do." Jane muttered, obviously not happy about the fact that it was Evie who was organising the Christmas party and not her.

"Aw, look at you. Don't be sad, next year it'll be back to usual and you'll get to plan everything." Lonnie patted her shoulder and carried on the decorating.

"Will you be mad if I leave for a second? I'll be back soon, promise." Jane turned to Lonnie.

"Go on, I'll be just fine. Take your time." Lonnie assured and motioned to the door.

As soon as Jane left and Carlos followed, Lonnie looked at the enormous Christmas tree that was standing in the middle of the living room of the Castle. The Tree was surrounded by couches where everyone could sit whenever they were exchanging Secret Santa's gifts.

"You need help?" Jay asked from behind and came up to Lonnie.

The girl shook her head no. "I'm perfectly fine doing this all on my own." She assured and smiled to him.

"Come on, I'm pretty sure you could use some help. After all It's a huge Christmas tree and you're hardly at the top yet." Jay pointed out and smirked at Lonnie.

"If you're so generously offering, then yes. You can help, but please: Only use Red, Blue and Gold decorations. That's how Evie wants it." Lonnie repeated.

"Of course." Jay mocked and started hanging Christmas tree decorations.

After some time they were done, only thing left to do was to put a huge star on top of the Tree. Lonnie volunteered to climb the ladders and place the shining golden star on the Tree. Meanwhile, Jay was looking for some Christmas lights that Jane wanted to hang so badly.

Lonnie put the star on top of the Christmas tree and called for Jay's attention. "How does it look?" She smiled and pointed at the star.

"Pretty cool." He said and slid his hand through his hair.

Lonnie satisfyingly smiled and started climbing down, but unfortunately she misplaced her foot which caused her to trip and fall off the ladder.

Just as she thought she was about to hit the floor, she found herself safely wrapped up in somebody's arms. She slowly opened her eyes, which she had shut for the whole free-fall, and saw Jay looking worriedly down at her.

Jay slowly put her down on her feet and stepped back a bit. "Are you okay?" The boy asked but didn't get an actual answer.

Instead Lonnie swiftly pulled him in for a hug that lasted for several minutes. "Thank you." She whispered to him.

"Are you alright?" Jay asked again and put his hand on her shoulder, squeezed it slightly.

"Yes. Yes, I am perfectly fine." Lonnie assured and forced a smile.

"Are you sure? You look pretty pale." Jay stated.

"I know. It's because I got scared. But thank you for catching me." Lonnie said quietly.

"No problem, Princess." Jay smiled kindly.

"I have to go... um, have to get ready for tonight." Lonnie smiled and swiftly ran up the stairs.

Jay's gaze followed her until she wasn't seen anymore.

Lonnie shifted and swiftly opened her eyes. Her body jolted up and she let out a small scream. She looked around the room and noticed that she wasn't all alone. She yelled out of fear.

"Please don't yell!" Unknown boy raised his hands up. "I'm no harm." He assured. "Please..."

Lonnie watched him carefully, she looked at him like he was some intruder, which he kind of was. "Who are you?" She asked with a raspy voice.

"I'm Rudolf." The boy smiled shyly. "Rumpelstiltskin's son."

Lonnie gasped quietly but managed to stay quiet for the rest of the conversation. "How fond will your dad be of you being here?" She asked.

"He'll be mad. But I had to risk and see you." He talked fascinated, like he was in this huge museum full of art. "An Auradonian..." He whispered with amazement.

"So that's what they call me." Lonnie blurted. "Do many people know that I'm here?"

"Of course. Everyone has already heard about you." He responded quickly. "What's your name?"

"Lonnie." My mind wondered off to mg friends in Auradon, probably worrying about me like crazy. Especially Jay...

"What are you thinking of?" Rudolf suddenly asked.


"Who are you thinking of?" He changed the question and stared at Lonnie for a second.

"My friends and.. Forget it. You probably should leave before your father knows." Lonnie blurted and motioned to the door.

"You're probably just right. But this is not the last time we're meeting." Rudolf assured and gave Lonnie a heartwarming smile.

"Of course not, I'm about to become your maid, forever. I'm sure we will meet again." Lonnie sadly pointed out.

Rudolf walked out of the door and locked in safely from the outside.

All Lonnie could think of was Auradon, her friends, family and.. Jay.

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