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Alexis POV

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Alexis POV...

Stockley was all but a memory now.

The chance to be normal went up in flames, along with the friends and the life that we had worked so hard for.

I thought I was going to lose everything that night, when Vlad was lying on the stone floor of the castle, unconscious and unmoving with The Count rendered helpless in one of the Slayers UV cages.

Ingrid enjoying, power and being an ego filled, mental case to cover up the fact she had lost someone very dear to her only hours before and then there was me.

I had evolved into my true form, a stronger, more adapted and smarter version of myself.

An Alpha.

And yet I was still completely clueless about what to do that night, even when my life started to fall apart right in front of me.

The only thing my mind was fixated on, was my mate, who was paralyzed to do anything to protect himself from his coldhearted sister that I had once called my friend. Now, however, was just another egotistic psychotic vampire, that only cared about death, destruction, and blood. The slaying of her boyfriend, Will, had finally broken her and destroyed the last bit of humanity that was desperately trying to stay with her.

That was long gone now and replaced with rage and hate for everyone with a pulsing heartbeat.

It took all my strength to even try to pick myself up in my new form but in the end, I was too overwhelmed with exhaustion and plummeted to the ground with a loud crash, each and every time.

After countless failed attempts at getting up, I felt like I was a disgrace to my δαίμονας title and a failure of a mate. But I had to protect him, to make sure he was safe or I'd bloody well die, trying.

Within a few minutes of agonizing pain in every muscle in my body, I had finally reached Vlad. I coiled myself around him, using my own body heat and soft fur to keep him both warm and comfortable, while my body mass acted as a shield from the rest of the pitiful world around us.

When I was satisfied that Vlad was secure and I knew that nothing could harm him in any shape or form, I found myself start to relax ever so slightly.

That's when I noticed the full amount of change that happened to me during my transformation and it scared me.

Even in my new Lycan form, I was impossible.

Not only had I became stronger, smarter and more powerful in every way but I had transformed into a new breed of Lycanthrope completely, one I had never read about or seen with my own eyes before.

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