[4] For a friend

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"...why don't you sell that? It would fetch a high price in the cafeteria." "I can't..." she frowned. Shockingly, Suoi stretched her cheeks. She looked cute, but with anime eyes filled with tears. "Sorry! My fault. Oh it must be personal." "Thanks for understanding, Suoi." She smiled. Wow, Suoi can befriend anyone as long as he's interested... "Shall we go?"

Suoi and me have our own bikes, so we rolled off. As usual, Fukase's riding onto my bike stepping on the bike's rears. "Hold tight." I stated. She was kind of flustered. I was worried of her father, but we reassured her Suoi and I will take care of him. Not killing him (secretly just beating him up), but standing up for Fukase's rights. What the hell am I saying in my head...? Normally I wouldn't do this for someone. Goddamn I must be sick!

She wasn't molested ain't she? Because I'd seriously knock him down if he did. "Fukase." "Hmm?"  "A-Ah! Never mind. It would be rude to ask it..." I loathe myself now. I can't ask her such things.

We at last, here on our paradise. The Chimera park, I just heard Suoi said the name. I don't really care much, so probably I barely know them.

"There you go, kitties!" Her usual face, she was so happy. Just seeing them lifts up her mood. Still I don't get it. Feeding critters human foods.

They just die anyway. Their meats decomposes. Everybody leaves swiftly, so why care? Don't you know you'll regret it?

Ahh, my sadistic and pessimistic view blurs happiness as usual. I won't let it get to me or to anyone. Not to Suoi. Especially not to Fukase.

Suoi kept cheering and petting the cats. Although he's full of cat bites. And screaming "ow, ow!" Again... "These are cat-o'-mountains!!"

It bothers and annoys me. But somehow, the view of Fukase smiling is blissful. Even me, can't ruin it.

Suoi came with us, his house is not far from us, he was just near the park. It was 5 pm so it's nearly dark. Fukase's father is outside, carrying out... --cat-o'-nine-tails?!

"YOU. I WARNED YOU NOT TO GET CLOSE TO MY DAUGHTER." "K-Kai? Father had said?--" "Sir. Please, don't hurt her anymore." "Why do you care? What's her for a wimpy scum like you?"

"I'm her friend. We ARE her friend. So we'll fight for her." I stated. He smirked,then scoffed. "Good one. Haha! I can't hold back my laughter..." Fukase started crying. He was laughing evilly. "YOU? Protect her from me? As if!" He kept mocking us. Me and Suoi looked at each other and nodded.

"Old fart! Evil never prevails!" Suoi recklessly screamed. Oh shit! Why you-! "What?!" What a dumb-- ahh, my head hurts... He launched at me first, full body blow at me. With the intention to break our legs, but not to kill us. "Kai!" I stood up, although he really severed my chest.

"This is just starting, Old fart!" I said.

He used his weapon: cat-o'-nine-tails, whipping us. Suoi had kicked his hand, so the weapon fall off the balcony. "Fight hand-to-hand, fair and square with us." Two-on-one? This would be easy. Although not fair and square. "We'll beat you up, fast!" I scoffed. This is my true self!!

Fukase POV:

This is all bad. Suoi and Kai might... they're in danger...
"Stop...please stop!" I cried out, but it was nothing. "Dad! Don't hurt them..--" Kai was really in a bad condition, and it seems father's really aiming for him.

"STOP! Please..." I cried once more. Kai and Suoi looked at me, but then Father won't really listen.


It finally ended. Dad seemed tired. But the two boys are more weary. "I ain't ...finished. Old man--!" Kai said, falling unto the ground. "Kai!" I called onto him, approaching him. He's full of wounds. "I need care too~~" Suoi yawned. It was 6 pm.

"I'm atta here. Gonna go home. Mom will scold me, if I get another cut. Sorry old fart, smell ya later~" Suoi said as he left and waved. "Why you brat--" father tried to chase him, but then looked at me and Kai. "You're grounded for a week." He said to me. Ain't I always like that.

"Sir...don't hurt...her!" Kai, said with his heavy breathing. "You amazed me brat. You're as cocky and brave as ever." Dad grinned this time. He never grins over something or someone even me... "For managing to wound me, I'll assure you little cunt, I won't hurt her." After his speech, Dad pulled me, leaving Kai terribly wounded.

Kai POV:

Youch. Hehe. I kind of missed father's beating. "F-F-Fuka...se." I tried to stood up, walking over to our door.

Mom was drifted into deep sleep. I landed my heavy beated body onto my bed. "I...wish he wouldn't hurt her now for real-- even if she doesn't say it.. he's probably ...--" I reassured myself and tried to sleep, which, I didn't do so well.




[Kuchikuse] Goddamn SekaiDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora