**[Persona information]**

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Allow me to introduce my characters 🍪 reading this might help you understand them and the story. /:
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First off, Main characters:

Dashino Kai. He's 16 years old. A bit weird , serious, taciturn, pessimistic, short-tempered and he really can't smile. I based himself from myself, because I want the male character to be negative. Kai is kind if you got to know him, and really cares about his parents. (Who seems , doesn't give a damn about him.)  He doesn't care about anything, hates wasting and so far has no true friends. Or let's say he doesn't give a shit about friends. He hates the world for what it is, saying it was a goddamn world.

Appearance: bowl cut beige hair, (like the persona in lost one's weeping of vocaloid) sapphire eyes and usually no emotion. He would normally wear green sweaters, khaki pants and sometimes a yellow scarf. (casual)
Birthday: June 19
Other info: He likes sweets, but of all the sweets he loves cookies the most. Hates being lectured.

Yuchisuki Fukase. 15 years old. She would be shy, but when close she slowly becomes talkative at some point. (But she wouldn't be talkative on her own) she's kind, quiet, and loves cats. She was a bit friendly. And likes to hang out in the park a lot. Her mother died because of an unknown disease. Her father is suffering from depression, and abuses her. She would feed cookies to the stray cats, it would surely make her happy. Always using the plate her mother gave before she passed away.

Appearance: (casual)shoulder-length pink coloured hair tied with white ribbon. A black short skirt. Her eyes are simply green. Has a shapely figure. She wears off shoulders the most. 
Birthday: September 4
Other info: She hates boys. Especially if a slip happens. But wouldn't dare tell it.

Other characters:

Kai's mother: Rosaline- a rather strict mother to Kai. But, yet, seems she cares as seen in some chapters; preparing breakfast for Kai and waking him up. But, who knows what she really is??

Mr. Kal- a store owner, and middle-aged man. He sells odd stuffs like the orc drink that makes you go hyper than ever and the croptycleandoom designed for cleaning very dirty bathroom. Good in repairing vehicles and appliances. He was a good friend of Kai's father, and owes a deed to him. So he would repay him through his son. He was just 'round his 30s but his hair are almost all gray.

Boogerman- the leader of all the bullies in Kuchikuse highschool. Yo, he's not a kidnapper or anything XD the booger is literally the thing from our nose.

Next characters from part [3] Dark Entity, Fukase's daddy:

Fukase's father: (not yet named) a good artist, same as Fukase's mother. But he changed when his waifu died. Abusing Fukase. (No not that abuse, eww!)

**can't really reveal them much, you'll know them better if you read it;)**

**more characters soon!**

[Kuchikuse] Goddamn SekaiHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin