Chapter One

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A/N: hey guys so I decided to rewrite it just because I read it over and it looks really crap so this is the new chapter ok? Cool. Let's rolllll 😎

Amber's POV:

I see a bright light shining on my eyes and in my morning state I cry out in pain as it burns my eyeballs. This horrible awful light In the morning that brought pain into so many eyeballs was.... the sun. Ughhhhh. I groan and sat up while rubbing my eyes. Slowly, I walked into my bathroom and stared at my morning hair as it looks like a birds nest. yikes. After I try and take any hair and do all the necessities of my morning routine but I won't go into detail cause. Ew.

I then walk into my closet and lay down in the seat in the middle of the wardrobe and scan the articles of clothing and accessories and shoes laying around me. I had to always make sure I never wear anything "inappropriate" as that's what my big brother Draco like to call it. I finally decided on just jeans a shirt and a jacket (A/N I don't know if you don't like my outfit choice if you don't just imagine something more you. Cause I'm just clueless right now and I cba).

I quickly head down the stairs, while nearly tripping over one of our house elves Dobby.

"I am most sorry miss, Dobby didn't mean to be in your way" Dobby stuttered.

My eyes softened to, just at the sight of Dobby's submissive behavior
"It's okay Dobby" I whispered as I knew if mother or father or Draco heard me they would probably make Dobby punish himself. Before Dobby could say anything I skipped past him down the stairs and ran down to the kitchen where my mother sat sipping tea and reading witch weekly.

"Morning mama" I say, as I sit down at the ridiculously long dining table.

"Morning Amber, there's some post for you in the table dear" said my mother looking away from the magazine.

I grabbed the sealed envelope curiously and my eyes widened when I see who it's from.

"Mother, Mother oh lord it's from Hogwarts" I yelled excitedly as I quickly ripped the envelope open.

A/N; I ain't gonna write what it says in the letter because I CBA lol sorry, but if your a potter head feel free to comment it x

I quickly skimmed through the text. "Mother I got accepted" I screamed and I jumped up and down.

" That's wonderful darling, now you can go with Draco and your father to get your school supplies tomorrow" Mother said.

I heard the front door open and I see Draco and father standing there, they probably played quidditch. I quickly jump into Draco's arms and hugged him.

"Draco I got accepted into Hogwarts!" I squealed

"That's so wonderful A" Draco said and he spun me round and round until I got dizzy.

I couldn't wait to go to Diagon Alley tomorrow.

Hey, as some of you know if you've read my story earlier on, I had more chapters than this but I decided that I start again because I read through it and it made me cringe at how crappy it is soooo yeah lol. Bye. Xox

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