4~ No love

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Picture of Ruth's uniform

My room is nothing
Like the rest of the house
It is small and shabby
Fit for a mouse
Is hold no windows
No fan
But I'm thankful for a place to rest.

My creaky door creeks.
I flew to my feet
I bowed with respect
"Master Alistair."
His eyes glowed in the dark.
He stepped towards me
And I saw a spark
In his eyes when he looked at me.

"If you do your job well
You'll get a better room.
In the morning, go to the maid quarters for breakfast.
Then report to me
For your duty of the day."

I bowed again
And said "Yes sir."
He handed me a dress
I looked it over once
Then laughed at the mess
"You expect me to wear that?"
I scoffed. Then apologize after.
"Mistress already  gave me my uniform."
I showed him the ankle length

He laughed a hearty laugh,
And shook his head
"She only gave you that
To make you look dread.
I'll advise you to don't mind her
She's bad news-"

"But she's your wife,
Why such bad views?"

"She's my wife
But there's no love.
You wouldn't understand.
You're just a poor country girl."

If I didn't know what pain was
I knew now
I felt it between my chest
I lowered my head
"I need to go to bed."
He left immediately
Not another word was said.

And that's all I could think of.

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