Chapter 3

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Emma: okay we have waited long enough Isabelle now tell me (yelling)

Isabelle:(sigh) what do want to know about?

Emma: what about? I want to know about why you and Zane fight every time your near each other it happens all the time

Isabelle: I don't think there is no reason we just don't see eye and eye

(Emma wasn't buying it)

Emma: No you get along at school all the time, so why is it different when we are outside of school

Isabelle: That is true, but I just not fast with my feelings alright. I don't mean happiness and sadness, I love type of feelings

(Emma was lost)

Emma: so your trying to say you have feelings for Zane in others...

( Isabelle cutting Emma sentence short)

Isabelle: in other was I'm in love with Zane 

Emma:Why don't you tell him then? You don't know if he feel the same, why do you always fight with him

Isabelle:I don't really know, its something that i got myself into. I know if i was more kinder to him, things will go differently

Emma: hope so too Isabelle

(The girls stayed at he tree house all night . In the morning the boys were all it the tree house to greet the girls after that they went to Zane house but their mouth drop when he wasn't home)

Cole:Crap where's Zane!

Mark: i know where he is

(so they all went to the dinner)

Mr James: Morning Kiddos 

Jake: where is Zane? 

Mr James: his right over there 

(Zane and Olivia had just finish their breakfast and left out the exit door but catch up to them)


Cole: where were you this time  

Zane : I was just hanging out with Olivia

Mark: why didn't you say anything,you went off by yourself again, but this more like a date than a hang out

Zane and Olivia: n-n-n-no (blushed hard)

(Cole and Jake saw Zane blushing hard)

Jake: Cole are you seeing this 

Cole: yep, but I that he had a thing for Isabelle

Mark: all three of us know that Zane liked Isabelle, but Isabelle never figured it out

Mark: you know what as Zane friends their is only one thin g we can do

Jake: what would that be ?

Mark:Zane you can't see Olivia no more

Zane: What!

(Olivia started to cry and ran off, Zane right behind her)

Zane: Wait Olivia

What was going through Olivia mind

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