Chapter 4

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Two weeks passed, after Mark told Olivia and Zane they couldn't see each other, so they created a plan. the plan was to hang out at night without anyone knowing. Zane woke up on time but he was still sleepy,When he was at home he would sleep the whole day away. The same thing  happen went for Olivia . Mark and others were starting to get worried,but every time they ask him what was wrong , he said he's okay and walk of with a smile . That night when the moon was full Zane walk the house without his phone and meet up with Olivia at the boardwalk.

Zane: hey Olivia 

Olivia: Hey, how are things between you and Isabelle, you have been telling me about her arging with you

Zane: She if fine, she stopped fighting with me for a week now, oh here I got you something that you might like

(Zane took out a necklace in the shape of a heart with  her name  on it)

Olivia : thanks Zane i love it

(she moved closer and kissed on the cheek )

Olivia:Oh i sorry, I didn't...

(Zane put his hand over her mouth)

Zane:it okay

(he moved his hand down and kissed her on the lips. Olivia  eyes were wide open then they closed)

 Olivia  eyes were wide open then they closed)

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

Olivia: This was the best night ever

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

Olivia: This was the best night ever

Zane: This  was a wonderful night

(In the morning, Zane was already back by then so he got up to wake his every one up,they all woke up and saw Zane  happy as can be)

Isabelle: what's with the smile Zane (rudely asked)

Zane: it's a wonderful day and i fell really happy today

(the guys that their was something wrong with Zane so they decided to spy on him of breakfast, when Zane was outside the went to Mark's house)

J,C,E,I: Mark, Mark, Mark

Mark: whoa whoa what is with everyone

Emma: It's Zane he was acting really weird when we were eating breakfast 

Mark: what's wrong with that ?

Cole: guys Zane is gone

Isabelle: where is he (worried)

(Mark phone rings)

Zane's mom: I need you and other to come right now!

Zane's mom:where is Zane

Jake: I don't know he not at the tree house but we need to watch out for Olivia

Zane's mom: it's a little late for that she gone too

Zane's mom: i send the police to look for him

(house phone rings )

Police: we found them but now their on the run and were right behind them and we are sending back-up

Mark:let's go

(they jump into Zane's mom van and they drove of and soon they caught up with the police, Isabelle saw the necklace that he gave her)

Isabelle:Emma you see the necklace  it was for her, not me (upset)

Cole: can we talk to him Mark

Mark: let's see if we can 

Jake:Dude what's with you and running off were your friends

Cole: yeah,it not like you to do that

Emma: you had us worried

Isabelle: who's that girl

Olivia:I'm Olivia  and I'm his girlfriend (Olivia had a glare at Isabelle)

(Everyone's mouth drop)

Isabelle: WHAT!?!?!

Olivia: Yes, he told all about you and him having arguments all the time,your nothing to him now, since i'm the new girl in his life  

( without any warning Isabelle attack Olivia ,before it turn into a brawl Emma jump in to pull Isabelle off of her)

J,C,M: Zane this isn't you, you had feelings for Isabelle

(when Mark lifted Zane's head up his grow darker  than before)

Mark : Zane are you okay 

(Zane started to shake his head back to normal until his eyes grow back dark the same thing happen to Olivia)

Emma: something is wrong with them mark

Mark: what do you mean

Emma: I think there were both positioned 

(Isabelle ran after the but soon a black shadow  have toking here )

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