Puppy Faces do work afterall....

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Picture of Diana Wales

Picture of Diana Wales

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Diana's POV

"Hey mom, you look damn pretty today....!!"

"Thank you sweety" My mom says with a smile.

"Mom, the cake you baked today is sooo Delicious.....ummm" I compliment her, trying to sound as innocent as possible.

But this time, she eyed me with suspicion.

Is it in the genes of a mother to recognize when her daughter is genuinely complimenting her and when she's being dipped in cans of melted butter, to put up a demand that has very less chances of being fulfilled otherwise...??

Well, i guess she caught me this time.

She raises her eyebrows,"Diana dear, was that a genuine compliment.. because i can see a mischievous gleam in your eyes."

Yes, she definitely caught me.

 Before I could even utter out a word to explain myself, she broke the silence.

"So, what do you want?"

"Mom, I'll tell you on one condition... Please promise that you won't get angry at me and will first listen to me before interrupting...."

She glared at me but then finally said "okay".

I took a deep breath and then blurted out....

"Mom we had a seminar yesterday regarding a new concept called IMUN being organised in our city for the very first time this weekend and I, along with other 19 of my classmates have been chosen to represent our school ... The fees being 1500 - I would have to spend the three days of my weekend there. "

A long moment of silence passed by... and then I looked up to see my mom's reaction, which I supposed, would be a sharp NO. But the actual reaction surprised me.

Very softly, she said,"Sweety, I really have no problem with you attending the competition.. but its your 12th class and I don't want you to compromise with your studies for ANYTHING."

"Mom, I assure you that I won't let my studies get affected by this competition." I said trying to match her voice's softness.

"Do you promise me that...."

"Yes mom, I promise"

"Well, then you MAY go. But let me talk to your dad first."


I do not have to worry about it anymore because once my mom is convinced, I BET that she'll be able to convince my dad too...
It was from HER that I had inherited my convincing power afterall...

We were at the dinner table when my dad inquired about IMUN. So, that means , mom had already talked to him about it.

"So what is this IMUN all about?" He asks.

"Well dad, its International Model of United Nations. People.. um... I mean students, discuss International issues , here. Its a replica of the actual United Nations Committees. We'll be the representatives of different countries, considering them to be ours." I answer and exhale sharply. 

"Sounds quite complicated yet prestigious... Represnting Countries, huh?" He eyes me with curiosity.

"It IS prestigious dad. Above all the 1000 students of my school, I was selected. I just can't let down this opportunity and I can't let down my school." I state, stabbing the pea on my plate.

"Just discussions and no AWARDS..???"

"Dad, they do give awards...Moreover , its a platform to Discuss, Debate and Draft resolutions(D3) and you know how much I love Debates..... So please let me go... Please, please. Pleasssssse" I let out an elongated please.


And that was the only reply -a hmm . After the long hour spent on convincing dad, what do i get, just a 'hmm'. Do the hell with your 'hmm'.

So, I have to admit that  I lost the BET. Mom couldn't convince dad.

But everything is not lost. Time to use MY ULTIMATE WEAPON-the puppy face.

"Please.. let me go dad!" I plead, giving him my best puppy face look.


"Should I consider 'okay' as 'yes'?"

Another moment of silence. Oh! I officially hate silence now!

 "Yes. But stop making THAT puppy face!!" He raises his hands in surrenderance to my great convincing power..... or that's what I'll call it.

"Thank you soo much mom and dad... You are the best.. love ya!" I jump out of my chair and hug the two of them.

Finally, I got the permission to attend this MUN.



Author: Hey guys , thats all for the first chapter... I hope you liked it.

Diana: Admit it, you liked me more. (Dramatically wipes her tears)I'm so awesome, it hurts to see.....

Author: Hey , its the AUTHOR'S NOTE and so the author a.k.a. Divya is supposed to do the talking.

Diana: (Ignores Divya and rereads the ending of the chapter) By the way, don't i look cute with the PUPPY FACE??

Author: (sighs) This is exactly why we need Erik -

Erik: Did somebody just call my name?? (Takes a look at the first chapter and shudders) You already published the first chapter and there's no mention of me? (Frowns)When would you care to introduce me??

Diana: (Gives him a death glare) NEVER ... She's better off with ME!!

Erik: (smirks) Admit it. You are already missing me.

Diana: (Looks Confused) MISSING YOU!! Ha.. Are you kidding me? We haven't even met in the book yet , remember....

Erik:  Aren't you dying to meet me though? 

Diana: (Raises her eyebrows) No. If  you think so, then you absolutely got it wrong, you crackpot. It is you dying to meet me and not the other way round!!

Erik: (huffs)  Well, we'll see to that.

Author: ITS THE AUTHOR'S NOTE GUYS!!! AUTHOR, AUTHOR  as in ME. ME as in AUTHOR!!! Let the AUTHOR talk!                

(Looks at the audience)Don't forget to Vote and Comment and tell us what you think...

Erik: Divya also promises to update the next chapter sooner because,(smirks) well I'm there...

(Winks) See you all in the next chapter.....

Me too by Meghan Trainor at the side-->

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