Maybe, He's not a Stranger....

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I enter the girl's washroom and slam the door shut, my eyes filled with tears now. 

How can you be SO STUPID D? How can you fall for a boy with his five super cheesy lines? Oh, that Glasshole...

At the moment, I hear a soft knock at my door and so I creek it open to see who it is only to find Violet. 

"Violet! Just leave me alone! I don't wanna talk to you right now."

Actually, I don't want to talk to ANYONE right now. All I want is- to go back home, slam my room's door shut, cry my heart out on the bed maybe for an hour, fall asleep crying and then wake up only to realize that I suffer from a short term memory loss, so that I can forget the whole incident.

But no. Violet won't give away so easily. She barges the door open and makes her way inside.

"Hell! Get your ears checked Violet. I guess they are defective just like YOU.... Didn't you hear, LEAVE. ME. ALONE."

"Would you shut up and listen to me?" She jerked my arm so bad that it hurt. "Why in the world are you angry with ME?"

"Oh, now don't play innocent, like you did nothing!"

"Ookayy! What did I really do?" She asks with a blank look. Uhhh, that innocent face!

"Oh, nothing big, you just- just dared a PERFECT STRANGER to PROPOSE ME... and that dumbo did not even refuse. And look at me, what I did, I said YES. What a fool I made of myself! 

"Wait a sec, are you angry for THAT reason? She laughs dramatically, holding her stomach.

"What is so funny about that, huh?" I ask her wiping back my tears.

"First, he was not wrong in accepting the dare. He was not asked to kiss you or anything, JUST A proposal. Second, you are not a fool because anybody would've said Yes to him, he's THAT HOT and HANDSOME, and third, Did you just call him a STRANGER because, NO, he's not a STRANGER!" 

"Sorry! The person you meet for the first time in your life is called a Stranger, I suppose. Now don't say that I met him yesterday and I'm meeting him for the second time today, so he no longer remains a stranger. I'm not in for any jokes at the moment." 

"No, I'm not dumb to say that and he's REALLY not a Stranger!"

"What the hell are you saying?" I say, completely flabbergasted. "I don't remember meeting him any time before!"

"Really! You don't remember the boy we used to play with during our childhood days! He lived in your neighborhood."

"Now, I doubt my brain. Do I have amnesia or did I hit my head with a huge rock or something, because I don't remember anything of that sort!"

"I've been telling you to get an appointment from a psychiatrist since ages, you really need one. Will you ever listen to me?" She smirks.

"Shall we discuss my need to visit a psychiatrist later on 'cause we've another important issue in hand..... So, I need the details, NOW."

"Sure, I'll mail you his biodata, how's that?"

This girl! Ughh...

"See, I'm in a pretty bad mood, either you tell me now or I'll suck out your eyeballs, grind them into a juice and then make you choke on the same till the time you don't blurt everything out. Make your choice NOW!"

Woah, where did that come from? I can't believe I said that! Even Violet couldn't. You should've seen her face, her mouth dropped open in utter disbelief. My expression would have been the same after hearing myself say all that crap if I'd not been THAT angry.

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