Chapter 6 - First Date

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Ashleigh's POV--

I decided to forget all problems in my life and enjoy this date with Brad he texted me to tell me he was taking me some where special so i decided to just dress casual since he didn't say fancy so i slipped on my dark blue skinny jeans, a white crop top, my black leather jacket and my white converse.

Then i lightly did my make up with eyeliner, mascara and lipstick.

It was 8:00pm and i heard a knock at the door i quickly got up up knowing it was Brad at the door. I opened the door to reveal a very good looking Brad with a picnic basket in one hand and a rose in the other.

"Hey Ashleigh you look beautiful and this is for you I picked it my self" he smiled at me handing me the rose "thank you Brad its beautiful" "that's why I picked it because its beautiful like you" this made me blush like mad when he said that. " Lets go then" he said holding his hand out for mine, I gladly took it and we started walking out the building hand in hand.

As we were walking he told me to close my eyes which I did then we stopped "can i open my eyes now its hard walking with my eyes shut" "one second, ok you can open your eyes" i opened eyes to reveal a river with the moon shining down on it and Brad sitting on a blanket with a picnic set up next to the river "Brad this is amazing" "I'm glad you like it". I sat down next to him on the blanket and admired the view of the stars above.

Brad's POV--

She was staring at the stars in the sky and I couldn't help but look at her, the way her brown eyes reflect the stars and the way her brown curly hair drops down her shoulder she was just perfect, everything about her I just couldn't stop thinking about her yesterday when I met her. I'm glad I walked into that cafe yesterday or I wouldn't have seen her.

"What are you looking at?" she blushed "oh er nothing I just think your so beautiful".

Ashleigh's POV--

It went a bit quiet for a second until Brad held my hands in his and looked me deep into my eyes and said "Ashleigh i know we've only known each other about a day but would you like to be my girlfriend" he asked in a nervous voice "i would love to be your girlfriend Brad". We sat there staring at each other for a while until Brad started to lean in and kissed me on the lips to which i responded by kissing him back, our lips moved in sync until we pulled away breathless "that was amazing" he said in one breath "agreed". The touch of his lips lingered on mine for the rest of the night.

We sat quietly wrapped in a blanket together me snuggled into Brad's chest looking out at the view " I love you Ashleigh" he said kissing my head "I love you too Brad".

It was starting to get late and we decided it was time to go home.

Brad's POV--

We walked hand in hand back to Ashleigh's apartment and when we reached her door it was time to say goodbye "I had a great night Brad thank you for taking me" "I'm glad you liked it i can't wait to see you again" "me too". I gave her one last kiss on her lips and started walking home. The touch of her soft lips lingered on my lips I just couldn't stop thinking about her, but how am I going to tell her that I'm going on tour this week I don't know if I can leave her we have just met and im already leaving her, unless she comes on tour with me.

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