Chapter 4 - A Familiar Face

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Ashleigh's POV--

After my long sleep which was meant to be little i decided to go out and explore London for a bit since it was only 3:00pm. I got up from the couch and took a quick look in the mirror at my hair and it looked like a bird had made a nest and my make up had smudged, so i got my hairbrush and gave it a quick brush and re did my make up with a bit of mascara, eyeliner and lipstick then i was out the door in a matter of seconds and running on to the busy streets of London.

I walked down the street for a bit until i noticed this cute little cafe on the corner of the street, so i decided to go in and have a bite to eat since i haven't ate much since i got here. When i got in i went and sat at this table in the corner of the room and little lady who was about my mum's age walked over to me and asked me if she could take my order "May i take your order?" she asked with a warm welcoming smile on her face " ermm yes please can i have a cup of coffee and cheese&ham sandwich please" i said with a small smile " of course you can it will be about 5-10 minutes" "ok thank you".

In the mean time of waiting i slipped my phone out my pocket and began reading through missed texts off my mum saying "are you there yet" and "are you ok" she sounded worried so i replied to her texts saying i was fine and i was here in London and telling her it was great. A few minutes later the lady comes over with my sandwich and coffee "here you go one coffee and sandwich" "thank you" i said and began eating it.

As i was drinking my coffee i heard the cafe door open i looked to see who it was and my jaw just dropped at the thought of who it was. it was him. Brad. I pinched my self to make sure i wasn't dreaming, but it was real Brad was sitting there. In the same cafe. I started sweating at the thought he was there, but i told my self to forget him but i couldn't it was just to hard. I love him so much its un real.

My next thought was do i go over to him and fangirl like crazy and talk to him or do i leave him be and forget about the romance thats never gonna happen in a million years to come?

Somebody To YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora