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Sonic: hey everyone. Bree is taking a nap now so keep it down some. Lets get this going. Today's people are everyone.

Everyone but Bree and sonic: * groans*

Sonic: we have a dare from @NintendoNatalie and she dared me to steal Bree's most prized possession.

Everyone but sonic and Bree: 0_0

<><><> later<><><>
Bree: Zzz

Sonic: * grabs Bree's pendent*

Bree: * moved some *

Sonic: * ran to the living-room with everyone and hopes that Bree doesn't wake up* I did it

Bree: * snaps her eyes open and looked to see her pendent gone and turned dark*  I'M GOING TO KILL THAT HEDGEHOG!

Everyone except Bree:oh no* sweatdropped *

Bree: *growls and runs to the room.* WHO HAS IT

Shadow: he has it * points to sonic*

Bree: * attacks sonic*

<><><> after the fight<><><>

Bree: * calms down and put her pendent back on*

Sonic: * beaten up and unconscious*

Amy: poor sonic

Silver: we should end this

Shadow: vote

Tails: comment.

Everyone except sonic: bye

BREEZY-BREE'S AND SONIC TRUTH OR DARE SHOWWhere stories live. Discover now