Chapter 4 : I Ain't Mad At Cha

Start from the beginning

AJ had just finished reading the story of when Pac's mom was in jail about a half hour later when she heard noise from outside. She stood on her knees and looked out the window. 

A girl was arguing with Ray and Dean. She was pretty with long curly brown hair, a light brown complexion, and big eyes. She was wearing a tight black leather skirt, a red halter top, and black heels.

" What do you mean I can't get into Tupac's trailer?! You do know who I am right? " The girl screamed at the security guards.

" Yeah we know you Maddy, but we can't let you in. Mr. Shakur is not even in there he's on the set. "

" Thats fine Ray. I'll sit in there and wait until he's done filming. I just don't understand why you guys are acting like this. "

Ray and Dean gave each other a look. Dean put a hand on Maddy's shoulder that she shook off.

" Look Maddy. We're under strict order by Mr. Shakur to not let you in his trailer for any reason. You're not even supposed to be on set sweetie. "

Maddy's head dropped. " Look guys, I understand you're just doing your job but it's okay. Me and Pac worked things out. It's cool. "

AJ eyebrows raised when she heard that. She figured Pac had groupies, but this girl was talking like she was a girlfriend or something.

" Don't even try it Maddy. He was dead serious when he gave that order. And besides I think he's over you. "

Maddy's head snapped up. " What? How do you know he's over me Dean?"

Dean looked down nervously like he had said too much. Ray gave him a look that said you dumb ass. Maddy kept looking back and forth between them. Then she got a knowing look in her eye and she looked at the trailer. Right at the window AJ was looking through. AJ gasped and moved away.

Maddy got a sly smile on her face and pointed at the trailer. "He has a girl in there doesn't he? It's another bitch in that trailer. Thats why you won't let me in."

AJ heard them arguing for a few more minutes. Then she heard Ray yell. "Maddy, you can't go in there!" The the door to the trailer burst open. AJ jumped up off the couch as the Maddy girl strolled in.

Maddy strolled in like she didn't have a care in the world but AJ could tell from the red splotches on her cheeks that she was frustrated. "Well well well....." she said as she looked AJ over. Ray and Dean ran in and grabbed her arms like they were going to drag her out of the trailer.

Maddy shook them off. "Wait a minute guys," she said in an eerily calm voice. "I just wanna talk to my replacement."

Dean looked at AJ. " AJ, you cool talking her?"

AJ nodded. "Yeah Dean I'm good. I can handle it."

They released Maddy and started backing up out of the door. "We'll be right outside AJ. Holler if you need us."

When the door closed, Maddy crossed her arms and looked AJ up and down again. AJ stood her ground. This girl was gorgeous but she refused to be intimidated by her. Maddy walked around AJ in a circle, taking in her white Michael Jackson shirt, black shorts, and white converse. She came to a stop face to face with AJ.

" So you think you're gonna replace me huh? Ha! You wish sweetie. I'll admit you're cute but you are no where near my level. Hmm I wonder why Pac's with you. You got some good punani baby girl? "

AJ rolled her eyes like she was bored with the conversation." Are you serious? "

Maddy walked up on her like she wanted to hit her." Oh I'm dead serious sweetie. I hope you don't get too comfortable here because it's my place. You're just a replacement for a minute. Pac knows where home is. "

" Oh I'm the replacement? Funny I never heard of you before. If you were Pac's girl, you probably weren't too memorable."

Maddy tool another step closer to AJ's face. "Bitch."

AJ didn't condone fighting or arguing but she wasn't about to be disrespected. She put her finger in Maddy's face. "Look Maddy I don't care who the fuck you are or who the fuck you think you are. Call me a bitch again and I will fuck you up with no hesitation."

As soon as she was done talking, Tupac burst in the trailer. " AJ what's wrong?" He did a double take and saw Maddy. "Maddy? Yo, what the fuck are you doing in here?" AJ picked up her bag off the couch and pushed past Tupac to get out the door.

He grabbed her arm. " Yo man where are you going? what happened?"  AJ brushed his hand off of her. "You got a lot to handle hear. When you figure it all out, you know where to find me." She rushed down the stairs and off the lot.

Tupac watched her walk away. "Wait AJ hold up." Maddy grabbed his arm before he could make it down more than one step. "Forget about her baby." He looked back and forth between AJ's retreating figure and the sexy girl that was trying to pull him back into the trailer and do God knows what to him.

He looked to Ray and Dean for help. They shrugged and turned away. It started to rain. He looked at AJ one more time. He rubbed his hand through his hair and shook his head then turned around and went back in the trailer with Maddy.


So I know I said I was gonna update yesterday. It was the last day of school and it was crazy hectic! I'm out for summer vacation so I'm really gonna try to do a lot more updates. And could you guys message me the names of some more songs? I know a lot of them, but I think I'm gonna need more.

Keep reading, commenting and voting! :)

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