Jax's knees give out and he falls to the ground.

His body is wracked with violent spasms as he just cries.

It seems the only thing he can do at the moment.

After a surprise visit from Mary to take the kids for the day, Kennedy finds herself in the passenger seat of Opie's, now Donna's, truck on their way to Elk Grove, where Donna's parents live and now the future residence of her brother's family. Abel is happily cooing in his car seat.

The ride was quiet and she believes it was mostly because Donna was too nervous to ask her what happened between her and Jax last night.

After telling Jax the truth, Kennedy watched as he tore out of their driveway and she hadn't heard from him since. She sat out there for another ten minutes as she furiously wiped away the tears that wouldn't stop falling from her face.

When she went inside, Donna was still watching TV but didn't question her puffy face or how quickly Jax left when he just arrived. She didn't even question her as she was withdrawn at breakfast or how she was staring off into space while she folded some laundry before they were left in the house and Donna announce they should take the 50-minute drive to the new place.

Kennedy on any other day would be happy to see the new house, but now she thinks she should've declined and gone when she was in a better mood.

She watches the passing scenery and admires the beauty of Elk Grove, Donna eventually drives down a cul-de-sac to the last house. Donna pulls into the driveway of a ranch-style home similar to the house in Charming. The home has a terracotta roof with cream-colored brick siding. It had a much bigger front yard. The home itself was four bedrooms and an open space living room and kitchen.

Kennedy is taken aback by how white everything is. It's so crisp, clean, and not Charming it's throwing her off. She would question how Donna was going to be able to afford this place. She knows the house in Charming is worth a lot, but this household is only going to have one source of income. Kennedy is looking at the large backyard that can fit a decent size pool, trampoline, and even a playset with nice patio furniture and a grill.

"I don't want to sound negative, but the house is going to put a decent size dent for a down payment?" Kennedy questions Donna.

"Kennedy, you know you can have the house. I don't need to sell it. Opie would've wanted you to have it."

"I don't want the house, Donna," Kennedy tells her for the millionth time. She never wanted it. It was never hers to have as Opie and Donna got that house for their growing family. Plus, she wouldn't be able to bear living in a silent house. She was able to tolerate living with Opie's ghost in the house because there was Donna and the kids, but when they would leave she fears his ghost would consume her.

"Well, I'm not going to sell it considering you haven't found your own place yet unless you're staying with Jax," Donna states cautiously.

Kennedy's grip tightens around Abel, who is still happy and content in her arms. Since it was becoming inevitable that Donna was moving and she had become so attached to Abel and the subtle hints from Jax, it would make sense for her to live with him. Now she wasn't so sure. Kennedy turns to her sister-in-law, "I told Jax about Opie."

"Did he not believe you?"

"No," Kennedy says with a shake of her head. "I think he does that's what makes it worse."

She hates the feeling that had festered in her as she knew what she told Jax broke his heart. She hated being the one to have to tell him that his club – his stepfather – betrayed him, Opie, and the club. However, she knows that her trying to protect him from the truth was worse than the actual truth.

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