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Immediately after leaving his mother's house, Jax heads out for a ride to clear his fucking head. He knows he isn't really upset about people speculating if he and Kennedy were sleeping together. He would have easily disabused the notion as he wouldn't want Kennedy to be viewed as a sweetbutt. However, considering what happened hours before and what he has been feeling for Kennedy for the past couple of years, or even longer, he knows he is guilty of thoughts. He is slightly thankful they didn't finish what they were doing in the kitchen earlier despite his raging case of blue balls.

The most crushing thought was if the whole club was speculating this that would have meant that Piney was exposed to the rumors and even Opie in a sense.

Jax thinks back to when Opie was alive in Chino. Jax had escorted every one of those trips he could go to as long as club business didn't interfere. He and Kennedy even used to go down in the middle of the week to visit Opie so he could spend the weekend with the kids and Donna instead of all of them crowded around the table taking turns.

Now he wonders if Opie ever suspected anything was going on between him and his sister. If Opie suspected something he would've confronted him about it. Jax remembered how Opie was when it came to Kennedy and the boys that took interest in her over the years. Opie was the stereotypical brother threatening potential suitors, Jax even participated in a few intimidation tactics with the boys, and especially with Kennedy's more serious boyfriends, Opie always gave the men cold fronts along with a topping of passive aggressiveness that aggravated Kennedy to no end.

However, Jax knew deep in his gut that Opie didn't want Kennedy to be involved with anyone from the club. As much as Opie loved his brothers he knew his brothers. Fidelity was a rare trait to find in a biker. Jax honestly believed Opie was the only biker he knew that didn't take advantage of road pussy. Opie never judged his brothers for their indiscretions, but Jax knew that Opie would never want Kennedy with a brother, someone that would step out on her even if it was overlooked by the "by-laws" of the club.

He knew Opie didn't want a patch to treat his sister the way Piney and the brothers from Rogue River treated Kennedy's mother.

Jax respected that because he knew that he wouldn't want any man treating Kennedy as a pass-around or really wanting to see another brother stepping out on her.

If he were to take up with Kennedy, if she would even want that, it would have to be serious, considering the territory he was stepping in. He knew his past relationships didn't help his image as far as showing how he could be in a relationship. His relationship with Tara left him a mess and then his sham of a marriage was just a joke. He and Wendy just didn't work as husband and wife. Wendy's fits of jealousy over his and Kennedy's relationship were justified to a point. His mom had just confirmed it and he had been the only one who didn't see the truth in the matter because of his denial.

Besides Opie and the what-ifs pertaining to him and what his reaction would be, there was one Winston who was still much very alive. And despite the oxygen tank that was his constant companion, he could do some damage. It didn't matter how tense the relationship between Piney and Kennedy was, she was still his only daughter. So Jax was surprised that Piney hadn't confronted him about the rumors. Or maybe unlike the members of the club, he knew the rumors weren't true. But what about now? His mother's words floated in his ears.

. . .

Kennedy finds herself arriving early at St. Thomas. As she makes her way to Neo-Natal, most of the nurses recognize her and give her a wave as a greeting. Eventually, she makes it to the new room where Abel will be staying and she isn't surprised to already see Gemma sitting in the room.

Kennedy enters the room, "Hey, Gemma."

"Jax with you?" She questions.

Kennedy shakes her head and she is all too aware of the hickeys she coated over with makeup. "Is everything okay?"

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