Start from the beginning

“So why don’t we drop the small talk Lewis and tell me why you sent me such an urgent telegram.” Lou said.

“Well, it’s hard to get much more obvious than that,” Lewis said as he walked over and took a seat next to Lou.

Hattie knew that this was a very serious moment.  She closed the doors to the parlor. Lewis spent two hours telling Lou everything.

Over the next six months, Lewis’s health had become steadily worse and Doc Cowley could do nothing more for him.  Lewis had chosen Lou as his soul heir.  She at his death would receive his entire fortune.  This when combined with Lou’s own fortune would make her fortune considerably large.  Finally on October 20, 1879, Doc Cowley came out of Lewis’s bedroom. 

As he reached Hattie, she took him by the hands; “Don’t beat around the bush Doc, tell me the truth.  How much time does he have left?”

Looking into her green eyes, Doc Cowley replied, “I’m not positive-minutes maybe hours-but he will not last the night.  He has requested that you come in first, Hattie, followed by the rest of the family.  All you can do now is say goodbye.”

Standing there a moment Hattie’s was heartbroken.  She knew that this day had been coming for six months but nothing had really prepared her.  Nodding her head she went into the room while the doctor told the others.

Lewis was sitting up in bed.  He had a heavenly glow surrounding him even though his skin was pale.  Patting a spot on the bed next to him, he encouraged Hattie to take a seat.

“It appears Hattie, that the time has come for us to say our final goodbyes.  I have a few things I want to tell you before the rest of the family comes in, so please give me a moment to tell you everything that is in my heart.”

Hattie slowly nodded her head.

“I want you to know how special you are.  I believe that it is not the end, only the next step.  Know that I will always be with you.  My thoughts are with you always.  I have truly treasured every moment of time that I’ve had with you.  And, I know you’re your fortune has been both a blessing and a curse.”

   “Just as sure as in times of old your future is surely Written in the Stars.  You need to make sure Hattie, that you always choose what is right over what is easy.  I think that you should find a business partner.  Never try and do anything all by yourself.  Take strength in your family and their encouragement.”

A tear softly ran down Hattie’s cheek.  She had known Lewis all of her life and she was so saddened that she was now losing him.  First Faith, now Lewis, Hattie wondered when on earth it was going to end.  That’s the way life is and Hattie needed to learn to accept that.  

Just as she was about to speak she heard the rest of the family enter, led by Shannon.  He took a seat on the other side of Lewis and was so filled with sadness that there were tears in his eyes.  Lewis looking into Shannon’s eyes knew his feelings, and patted his hand gently.

“Shannon, we have been friends all of our lives.  Now, I leave it to you to take care of Hattie and the family.”

“I,” Shannon stammered.  “I will.”

Lewis, staring at him for another long moment, turned his attention to Lou who was standing at the end of the bed. “Remember Lou, what we have talked about.  I’m relying on you the most.  Take care of things for me after I’m gone.”

Lou nodded her head slowly.  At that moment, there was an indescribable feeling of peace. One they had never felt before.

Lying down, Lewis began to feel his life slipping away. Turing slightly, he looked to a light that began to illuminate behind Hattie.  As the family watched, his life essence drifted away into eternity. 

Moments later, Lewis found himself dressed in a white suit standing next to a beautiful woman.  She had long blond hair and bright blue eyes.  She too was dressed in white and offered him words of comfort, “Don’t worry Lewis, I will be with them from time to time, as will some of the others that have been pre-destined to help them.”

“Who are you?”  Lewis asked curiously.

“My name is Angelique, and I am one of the angels that God has assigned to your family.  I’m here to help you say goodbye to your earthly existence and take you home.  First we have to help you say goodbye to the ones you love.”

Instantly they were at Lewis’s funeral at the family cemetery.  They watched as James gave a prayer where he thanked God for allowing Lewis into their lives.  Reverend Walker spoke conducted the service.  As the service came to an end the family members came up and shared their personal feelings about Lewis.

As the funeral concluded, Angelique turned to Lewis. “It’s time Lewis for us to return home.”

“Am I going to Heaven or Hell?”

Smiling, Angelique shook her head gently.  This same question had been asked of her many times. “Don’t worry, you are going somewhere were you will feel completely comfortable.”


Shadowed in darkness, hidden in the brush, a lone figure peered over the ridge watching as the family laid Lewis to rest. An evil smile crossed the dark figures lips as the near silent words fell softly in the breeze.

“Now to only get rid of Lou, then that fortune will fall into my hands.”

The figure turned and disappeared into the brush.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2014 ⏰

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