Chapter six.

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Hadrian's POV.

Dinner time has arrived. The Inner Circle will be here very soon. I don't know if to be worried or to be excited. My emotions keep switching between those two.

I have yet to learn their names, the only ones I do know are the Malfoys and Bellatrix, and that is only because I have seen them before coming to the Dark Lord. I haven't been introduced to them yet more than just as a queen and they have yet to be introduced to me.

I am slightly nervous. What if I can't remember their names or confuse them and they try to do something to me. I know that I can't get hurt very much because Tom will protect me. But the fear is still in me. I don't want to make new enemies among my new side in this war so soon.

We, as in Tom and I, are sitting behind the table and waiting for them to arrive. My leg keeps bouncing up and down. I think I am slightly getting on his nerves - not that he shows it, but as I am getting on my own nerves already, then it is more than likely that I am getting on his too.

The first to come are the Malfoys. After them comes in Bellatrix, the woman who hurt my ears, and a man, probably her husband. Behind them are trailing two men, one who looks very similar to the male walking next to the curly haired woman and the other has brownish hair. The one thing they all have in common is the insane-ish look. The look that makes you instantly fear the possibility of being alone in a room with any of them. Guess that this is the work of the wizarding prison, It is the only reason I can think of unless they were insane already when they were little children.

Tom greets them all by their names so I could gain the knowledge of their identity. Rodolphus Lestrange, Bellatrix's husband and behind them is Rodolphus's brother Rabastan and Barty Crouch Jr. Well, that is nice, I can now keep in mind who to avoid at every cost. 

The next to enter is Severus Snape, his robes doing their dramatic thing. He looks like he is ready to murder someone, but he looks like that very often actually, so this is not a surprise. After him enters a man, who looks like a rat, I recognize him as Peter Pettigrew. I push down the urge to jump up and strangle the man with my bare hands. He took my family from me twice already, what if he does it again?

The others arrive all alone. No one else enters the room in groups, not even in pairs. Do they not get along at all?

Once the Inner Circle is all seated behind the table, the discussion starts immediately. First, they give a short overview of their tasks and how they have been getting them done, how far they are with things - boring things like that. Snape talks about the light and how they are freaking out about Harry Potter being missing and that Dumbledore thinks that Snape is losing the trust of the Dark Lord and that he actually has Harry no matter what Snape has told them.

"You are not losing my trust even though Harry Potter is here."

Snape's eyebrows draw together in confusion. Of course, he is yet to discover who I truly am. He has always been kinda blind when it comes to me. Golden Boy being treated like a prince! Not even close. He never even tried to look past my adoptive father's teenage doings.

"But My Lord, How is it then that no one knows of it?" 

Tom narrows his eyes, showing them that there is a thin line that is separating him from rage. 

"Because he is not to be hurt and it was not important to any of you."

The confusion can be seen on their faces. Bellatrix is the one who dares to ask another question.

"What changed? Only two months ago you still wanted to kill him."

He growls, even angrier than he was before. Can't they see that they are angering him? I take the hand on his lap in mine and just hold it.

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