Chapter 4

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Val's POV
I heard tiny footsteps walking to mine and Jenna's room as I woke up. I pretended to be still asleep and I felt a warm little body, trying to make her way up in the bed between Jenna and I. "Dood mornin mama..." A 2 years old voice said, waking up Jenna. "Morning Ivy." Jenna said, pulling our daughter into her arms. I opened my eyes to appreciate the moment. The sight of the woman of my dream with our little princess made me smile. Ivy turned around and smiled at me. "Dood mornin dada." She said before giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Good morning my little angel." I said also pulling her into a hug. Ivy got this beautiful blonde hair probably from my mom and these gorgeous big blue eyes from Jenna making her look actually like an angel. As much as I wanted to stay here in my bed with my girls, Ivy wanted to eat so of course I got up and made her breakfast. Jenna got up a few times last night so I begged her to stay in bed a little more.

"So little angel, what do you wanna eat for breakfast ?" I asked Ivy. "Cake !" She exclaimed. "Well I think eating cake for breakfast is not a good idea and i don't want you to develop diabetes." I answered. She tilted her head in confusion. "We'll have Cake later." I replied. "Dada ?" She asked. "Yes baby girl ?" , "I hungry." She answered, pointing at her belly. "You're hungry, uh? Well we can't have cake but I'm pretty sure pancakes are alright!" I said. Her eyes lighted up and she nodded. "Otay dada. I help !" She shouted.

Jenna's POV
I was awoken by the smell of sugar coming from the kitchen. I walked to the bathroom and put my hair into a messy bun before I walked and joined Val and Ivy down in the dining room. "Mama ! Dada and I made pancakes !" She said as I took her into my arms. "I've noticed! It smells really good." I answered, whispering the last sentence which made her giggle. I untied my hair and used the hair tie to put Ivy's hair into a bun so she wouldn't get syrup all over them.

The morning went pretty quite fast and since it was a sunny day in L.A. we decided to go out and swim. I put my bikini on and I changed Ivy into hers, well only the bottom, while Val put his swim trunks on. I walked down the pool stairs with Ivy resting on my hip while Val decided to show off and do a backflip. Ivy stayed shocked by how good Val was. "Dood job dada !" She yelled holding a thumb up. "Babe no need to show off, we're in our backyard." I added teasing him. "I know but Ivy think it's cool so..." he said shrugging. I swam towards us a kissed me. "I KNOW !" Ivy screamed, scaring us. "You know what ?" I asked her. "We eat popsicles !" She said. I handed her to Val and got three popsicles out of the freezer. During the summer, I always make some popsicles to keep us refreshed since it can be really hot. "There you go." I said handing my babes their popsicles. "Mama! Take picture of me !" Ivy said. Ivy is a camera hog, she loves to take picture and poses for them since she was out of the womb. "It's good for my tongue mama ! Num num, nummy fruity goodies !" She said giggling.

"There you go, you're all ready for bed." I said to my baby after she finished washing her teeth. Since she was all sticky, I gave her a bath and now she was ready to sleep. She ran to her room and grabbed Mr. Cuddles, her teddy bear before running to the living room to fall asleep in Val arm. Once she was asleep, Val carried her to her bed and came back in the living room to cuddle with me. I laid my head on his chest while we watched a movie. "I love you Jenna Chmerkovskiy." He said before kissing my head. "I love you to Valentin Chmerkovskiy."


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2017 ⏰

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