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Jax snaked his arm around my waist as we walked. I hadn't bothered telling him about what had happened in my last class yesterday with that girl. I didn't feel like I needed to anyway. I just have no interest in dating girls at all, so she isn't anything Jax would need to worry about. Almost like how I shouldn't have let Holly get in my mind like she did. I'm actually kind of glad that she doesn't spend time with us-any of us-that much now. Things are a lot better without her around us anyway.

"You seem quiet today, more than usual... You okay?" Jax asked, pulling me closer to him.

"I'm fine, just thinking about my last class yesterday." I said, smiling at my boyfriend.

"What happened in your last class?" He asked, raising his eyebrows at me in curiosity. 

"A girl sat next to me in class yesterday, then I'm pretty sure that she was hitting on me." I said, smiling in amusement at the memory. Jax giggled and smiled at me.

"I guess you were her type then. The quiet boy that sits in the back of the class with a huge sweater on. She must like the mysterious type." He said quietly to me. "I know I do, even if you aren't that mysterious to me anymore." He added in a whisper. 

"You never know, I could be an heir of some sorts." I said jokingly. Jax laughed at my comment.

"Do you even know what your parents do for a living?" He asked, poking me in the side.

"Now that you mention it, I don't. I've never asked, or really cared for that matter. Besides they would've told me if it was something important anyway." I said with a shrug.


After the question that Jax asked earlier, it got me thinking. What do my parents do s their Jobs? All I know is that they have the same career, but that's it. I thought about this for the rest of the day. I was definitely going to ask my mom or dad about this later when I get home.

As Jax and I walked home that afternoon, it was quiet, but it definitely wasn't awkward. Neither of us had talked to the other that much at all since we started walking. We just held hands while we walked, then Jax looked over at me.

"What're you thinking about?" He asked, leaning into me slightly.

"Just wondering why I never asked about my parents' careers. I was thinking of asking when I get home." I said, looking up at the grey sky.


I walked into the living room where my parents were sitting on the couch. They looked up at me as soon as I walked into the room. It was obvious they weren't used to seeing me walking around the house. 

"Hey," I greeted, smiling slightly.

"Do you need something?" My mom asked, still looking very confused.

"I just wanted to ask about something. I realised that I don't actually know about your jobs." I said, rubbing the back of my neck.

"We'll tell you soon enough, Now isn't really the time for that." My dad said, giving me a serious look and motioning for me to leave the room.

What do they do for a living? And why won't they tell me?

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