Bestfirend zoned

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North p.o.v
I was going to ask him about the me be a Queen to him am do it
Did you really mean that I was a queen and she was just a princess
He look at me yup I meant every single word I reamber once I bought her fake Gucci and yezzys
He said laughing oh I said but you I buy you everything but real Gucci and and make up from rhainna make up thing he said I laugh hey you can pack then you can sleep at my house I say ok he said we went up to his room and grab his stuff I took off my shoes and sat cross my legs he laugh at me because I was in the middle of his bed I took a video of him talking to me and then I turned it around to me and I pretend to shot myself with my fingers and post it to my insta and my snap he looks at me ready he says and I put on my shoes and got my keys and we left I got to my house and I unlocked it he followed me up to my room so I grab like 4 bags and start to pack the he was recording me and he said ohhh she thiccccc she gucciiii eskeiitttttt that my girl back off I flip him off he laugh he posts it I finally finished and I got on my snap and see the video I roll my eyes I got bored because he was in the bathroom so I sat upside down he jumped over my couch and sat down and saw me he did the same I take a selfie with him and said that's my beastie❤🙏❤ I posted it and put it as my wallpaper he screenshots it to is his wallpaper I go up to my room wipe off my makeup and wash my face and put my hair In a messy bun and put on volleyball shorts and my Cevine Klein sports bra and I go down stairs and gazzy was looking at me like he was about to bust a nut in his pants I just rolled my eyes and went to the kitchen and my short little self can reach the box's of popcorn so i decided to call gazzy gazzzzzzyyyyyyy I said what he yell can you get the pop corn for me I said while jumping he grabs it and give it to me you own me a kiss on the lips he said I rolled my eyes and I lined in while tip toeing and when he went to kiss me I swerve him and put the popcorn in the microwave he was just smirking at me what I said he ran after me and I ran upstairs and went to my room and tried to close my door but he came in before I could he smiles  but it was devilis he grab me and push me into the bed w-what are you doi- and he starts tickeling me and I push him off and kiss him on the cheek really a nigga can't be kiss on the lips he said so I peak him in the lips he grab my waist and kiss me  he licked my bottom lip but I bit his bottom lips and pulled it then left the room. I went to get my popcorn sat down in the living room and watch let's be cops......

Gazzy P.O.V
She pulled on my lip and walk out of the room damn why do I have to fall in love so I go thur my bag and get my basketball shorts and put them on and pulled off my shirt and go down stairs she was watching a movie  so I go quiet and go to her neck and start sucking it she slap me shit gazzy you scared me sorry she said is ok I say I jump over the couch and sit down I look at her beautiful face then someone knock on the door...

North's P.O.V
Someone knocking on the door and I went to open it and see Jaycee baby girl who is it yelled gazzy just a pussy ass nigga I said and rolled my eyes what did you call me North jaycee said madly he grab me and stared chokeing me then gazzy see what's happening but something change in his eyes they turned black he start punching jaycee and I fall to the floor and start to cry then I heard Jaycee yelling give me my baby back said jaycee she not your baby she mine and pushed him into Jaycee car and he mad got scared because he got in the car taking off but then again I'm still crying gazzy walks in see me in the corner with my knees to my chest I was having a flash back

Jaycee im home baby I say he  like weed and cocaine he grabs me by my hair and pulls me up to were his room and puts me in the middle of a room full of his friends and he tells his friends to enjoy the show and he starts to take off my clothes but I turn and punch him and he grabs me and throw me to floor like hulk and tells his friends to help him but they were to strong for me but then I think if I roll around I can find somewhere to get out somewhere so I see an opening and crawl out from them I get up with just a bra and underwear and run but I get to my car lock the door they start to rock the car I start it and take off
**end of flashback**
I was still trying to get that out of my head but I can't but I don't want to fall back in love but I was following for gazzy but I can't

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