❤️Ignis X reader❤️

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In a perfect world,

There's nice people everywhere.
There's no violence.
No struggling.
No sadness.
No anger.
No depression.
There's no reason for us to feel the way we do.

In a perfect world...

No one has to suffer anymore.

But of course, we don't live in a perfect world. We couldn't live in a perfect world even if we tried.

We're all human so.... why can't we all just love each other? Why can't we all be friends?

What's the point of all this?

I have four amazing friends.

And I love all four of them.

One of them is my real love interest.

His name is Ignis Scientia. He's my childhood friend. And I love him very much. Of course my feelings for him have changed since childhood. I used to love him like a brother and a friend.

Now, I love him as more than a brother. More than a friend. I care about him very much and I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to him.

His soft, green eyes. His kind heart. His gentle touch.

I love it all....

I miss it all.....

I want us to smile together and laugh together and hug one another.. just like we used to.

But we haven't the time for that....not anymore at least...

Not since Nifilheim(not sure how to spell it) attacked Insomnia and killed Noctis' father, King Regis...

We originally left Insomnia to go to Altissia for Noctis' wedding with Lady Lunafreya. But now we have other things to worry about.

The imperials are taking over. And it's bad enough that demons are running around.

It's scary.... and I'm afraid...

'When will it ever end?'

'Are you as afraid as I am, Ignis?'

Camping is usually the option we resort to if we're too far from an outpost or hotel or just too tired to drive in general.

Cup noodles tonight.

Gladio's favorite.

I look at Ignis, who's sitting beside me. I can't tell how he's feeling since he wears that same serious expression on his face. He never looked this serious before..

I want to ask him how he's handling all of this...how he feels...

I want to tell him how I feel...

Soon midnight rolls around and Gladio, Noctis, Prompto, and Ignis are fast asleep. But not me. I find myself unable to sleep. I quickly yet quietly get up and leave the tent and sit outside.

It's rather chilly, but not too cold. I look up at the sky and look at the stars.

When will we be able to go home?

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