(A/N: Feel free to solve this puzzle!)

A farmer was stuck by a river. He had a chick, a hawk and a bag of bird seeds. The hawk would eat the chick and the chick would eat the bird seeds. There was a little boat that only two people could sit in. The farmer and one of the things he had. How will the farmer get all three of his things on the other side without one eating the other?

"Ha! The answer is easy!" I stated to myself.




The answer:




I wrote the answer in the answer box quickly.

The farmer would take the chick, then he would take the hawk, then he would take the chick back, take the seeds then take the chick.

I smiled to myself as Luke walked in.

"What are you up to, Katy?" He asked.

"I was just solving this puzzle, I hope you don't mind," I said.

"I don't mind at all. Wait, did you solve the chick puzzle? I've been on that for months!" Luke said, picking up the book. After realizing that I had the right answer, Luke stared at me, gawping.

"Wow, you really are smart Katy!" Luke said admirably.

I giggled and said, "My mother used to have shelves of puzzles, I've seen this one too many times to count!"

Luke smiled and gave me his arm. I swung my school bag on, laughing. Then I took his arm and we walked downstairs like some formal people.

When we got downstairs, the professor was drinking a cup of tea and there were two steaming cups on the table. There were also pancakes!

I rushed forward. "Good morning professor," I beamed.

He chuckled and replied, "Good morning Katy, Luke,"

"Who made these?" I asked Luke.

"I did." He replied.

"No way! You must be an amazing cook!" I said.

Me and Luke sat down and started eating. I soon found out that both me and Luke have very healthy appetites! The professor looked at us, shocked, then I let out a very unladylike burp.

"Pardon me," I said. We all laughed.


Once we got to school, me and Luke looked at our time tables. Turned out we did have the same lessons.

We sat on a bench and looked at our puzzle book. (Since I helped Luke with his puzzle, the book is now for the both of us.)

After solving about ten puzzles together, the bell went for our first two morning lessons.

I walked into a huge classroom with Luke, where a teacher was smiling at me. She clapped her hands and the whole class turned to listen to her.

"Class, this is Katy Altava. She will be attending our school now." She smiled at me. Then, still smiling, she turned to Luke. "Luke, do you know Katy?"

"Yes, she is Professor Layton's new apprentice!" Luke said with a smile on his face.

"That's nice to hear Luke. Okay then, Melanie, can you go and sit with Clara please? Katy, you sit with Luke. I'm sure you won't cause trouble." The teacher said, winking at me.

Me and Luke walked over to our seats. I looked at Melanie, just to realize she was the girl glaring at me from the post office. She looked up at me, then gave me an icy glare. Though I didn't get frostbite. She walked over to Clara, then I sat down in her seat.


At lunchtime, me and Luke walked out of our lesson to the lunch hall. We both ordered very hearty meals, then I bumped into Melanie.

"Sorry, Melanie," I said kindly.

All Melanie did was glare at me and say, "Stay away from Luke, Altava. He's mine."

Well, how can I stay away from Luke if we live together? Really, you should get your facts straight!

My thoughts were interrupted when Luke walked over with a girl.

"Katy, this is my friend, Flora." Luke said.

I smiled at her, hoping she was nothing like Melanie. She took my hand and shook it vigorously saying, "Hello Katy, it's nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about you, and it's only been five minutes since I saw Luke and we started talking!"

"Well, it's nice to meet you too Flora. Well, I think we'll get along well." I replied.

So me, Flora and Luke sat down and ate lunch together, having endless conversations about puzzles.

The bell rang, and we rushed to class. Art, I love it!

Once we got inside, I started walking towards our seats as Luke was already ahead of me. Then, Melanie stuck out her foot and I tripped over it, landing on Luke. The whole class laughed at us, but Flora gave me her hand and helped me up. Then I helped Luke up and turned to Melanie.

"Well played Melanie, but I won't fight back. I'm a lady unlike you."

The whole class oohed as me and Luke went to our seats and Flora sat next to us.

Melanie seemed to glare at me all through art.


At the end of the day, me, Luke and Flora walked out, arm in arm.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow guys," Flora said, as we separated paths.

We waved at her and walked up to the laytonmobile.

"Hello Luke, Katy, how was your day?" The professor asked.

"Interesting, so many things happened today, I can't seem to keep track," I said, then I yawned. "Overall, tiring." I said. Then we all laughed and drove back home.

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