I Have a Half Brother, and We're Moving?

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Chapter 1- I have a half brother, and we're moving?

Autumn's P.O.V

Searching, I looked around the laptop screen looking for a good movie to watch on Netflix. Clicking I resumed my watch on 'The Originals'. Half way through the episode I heard my mum calling me into the lounge. Going through all of the possibilities of why she had called me, I hadn't realized my legs had made their way down the stairs and into the room both my mother and father were in.

Taking a seat on the sofa, both of my parents were staring at me intently. There was an awkward silence before anyone had spoke so i decided to break the ice by starting.

"Why have you called me downstairs?" I questioned. "We have a few important things to tell you." dad said with worry in his voice.

By the time he said this I had grown very impatient, they could see the annoyance across my face so my mum carried on speaking,"We are moving to Devon and..... and" She hadn't finished her last sentence as I began to become worried of what she had to say.

I zoned out, thinking of all the possibilities of what else she was going to tell me. Was I going to boarding school? Were they kicking me out and leaving me to survive by myself? All of these possibilities rushed through my head. I was brought out of my thoughts when my dad clicked his fingers in front of my face.

"Sorry what did you say?" I questioned whilst coming back to reality. " Autumn I said we are going to stay with your half brother Tristan until we find our own house! Never listens." he muttered the last bit quietly but not quietly enough as my ears picked up on it.

"Wait, what? Half brother... What are you talking about? I am sooo confused!" I said with frustration in my voice. "Can you explain from the beginning please?"

"Ok well before I met your mum I was with another women, Rebecca. We were soo happy and one night... Well you know we had ummmmm...." "Yehhh okk you don't need to go into to much detail!" I stated whilst flushing thinking about what he said. "Well things weren't working out so we decided to call it quits before anything got too serious, but we didn't know about the baby. After a few months Rebecca got in contact with me, while I was with your mum, and explained the situation and I found out that I was having a baby boy!" Mum continued after this, "After about a year your dad and I were very happy together and well we kind of did it and then you know how it goes by now. You were born after two years of Tristan's birth!" she exclaimed with love filled eyes.

"So when you said that you had business trips in Devon you were actually visiting Tristan?" I questioned,"Yes." dad said.

"Wow, ok. So let me get this straight, I have a half brother who's what ummm 19 years old? And we're moving to Devon?"

"Yes darling you have a half brother called Tristan and we are moving to Devon, Exeter to be precise! You may want to get packed soon because we are leaving on Wednesday!" dad said with happiness.

"What Wednesday! I don't understand, why didn't you tell me earlier?" frustrated, I ran my hand through my silky hair, a habit I had picked up from my dad. "We weren't sure how you'd react." he said. "Well probably far better than this!" I yelled, clearly annoyed by the thought of moving and being deprived of my older brother. "Look darling I am truly sorry but this is for the best so I can be with both of my children!"

"I understand I just wish you had told me earlier about Tristan, we could've been soo close. At least I know now. Anything else you want to tell me?" I questioned calmly. My mum shook her head. I took this as my chance to leave so I got up and left the room to reflect on what had just happened...

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