⬆️Isn't This Pic So Cute⬆️

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I woke up from the loud music signaling the end of the movie. I opened my eyes seeing the credits on the screen. The TV was the only source of light in the room. Then I looked to my right and saw Youngjae, he seemed to sleep, the blanket we shared hanging loosely over his legs. I smiled and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Jae, wake up."

I heard him make a grumbling sound before turning around and looking at me. Then he closed his eyes again.

"Jae, come on. You just have to make it to the bed. It's not so far."

He shook his head, but at least opened his eyes again. "I'm tired."

I chuckled. "I know. I would carry you, but I don't-"


Sighing I got up from the couch. "Okay, I will try. But If I can't you have to walk."

He nodded and I picked him up. He was heavy, but somehow I made my way to my room, where I dropped him on the bed.

I went to the bathroom and when I came back, Youngjae was already sleeping.

Carefully I pushed him a bit to the side so I had space for myself, before lying down and covering both of us with the blanket. It didn't take long before I fell asleep.

Hours later, around 3 am, I woke up from a noise right next to me. I reached over to the nightstand and switched on the small light standing there before looking at my best friend.

He had his eyes closed, but I knew he wasn't sleeping. He was never so tense when he slept.

"Youngjae, what's wrong?" I asked when I saw the rails of tears on his cheeks. He didn't answer and just kept on pretending that he was sleeping.

"Jae, I know you're awake. Talk to me, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." he whispered, keeping his eyes closed.

I sighed and moved closer to him, wrapping my arms around his body. "Youngjae, please. We're best friends since kindergarten, there's nothing you can't tell me."

"I can't tell you this."

"Why not?"

"It's different."


He nodded.

"What do you mean by different?"

"Nobody can know about it."

"Not even me?"



"I can't, Daehyun. I just can't."

"You know I'd never make you say things you don't wanna say. But this makes you cry. I don't want you to cry, you know I never could see you sad. I want you to be happy and laugh. Please tell me. You know I would never judge you or things like that. So why are you like this?"

"I- I don't want to go back home tomorrow..." he took a deep breath and turned around so I was facing his back. He clearly didn't want to look me in the eyes.

"Why not?"

"My dad knows.... And he hates me... And Im sure he already told mom and now she hates me too and I just don't want to face them..."

"He knows what?"

"He... He knows that... That... Dae... I can't tell you..."

I sighed again, pulling him closer to my chest. "He knows that you're gay?"

✔️DaeJae - Friendsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें