My Second Trip to Hogsmeade

Start from the beginning

I wiped some of the grim off the window bad peered in. to my surprise, a group of students, most of them being Gryffinors, were seated in a large group.

"I thought you said no one came here." I pulled away from the glass.

"There's never anyone here! Let me have a look!" Annoyed, he took my place at the window. After a moment or so he looked at me. "That's Potter! Look!" He moved over so I could look. Just as he said, Harry Potter was sitting in the very middle of them, along with his Mudblood friend and the Weasley.

"It is." I finally answered, deadpan.

"Well... do you want to go in or not?"

"No, not with all the Gryffinors in there. How about we just go to the Three Broomsticks?" 

"It will be crowded, and crawling with Gryffinors, too."

"That's true." I sighed. "I guess we should just go in then," I put my hand on the door, but before I could turn the knob I heard my name being called.

"Ellie! Vincent!" I turned around and huffed. It was Sarah Beth, with Gregory trailing behind her. "Ellie!" She ran up to me. I guess she still hadn't figured out I didn't like her. "Vincent! Do you want to come with us to Madam Puddifoot's with us?" She smiled her sickening smile.

"Where is that?" I asked in a bored tone.

"It's right off High Street! Come one! Come with us! Please?" She did the smile again. Vincent looked at me.

"Do you want to go, Elle?" I glared at him, but and then gave in. Spending the trip with Gregory and Sarah Beth was still better than being surrounded by Gryffindors.

"Sure." I simply stated.

"Yay!" Sarah Beth squealed. "Come on!" She grabbed Gregory's hand and started running towards High Street. Vincent and I walked slowly in the path, letting them go farther from us.

"You aren't going to have much fun?" He asked, taking my hand.

"Probably not. But, oh well. I like Gregory, Cumberland, not so much. She annoys me. She's so..."



"Is that the only reason you hate her?"

"She thinks she's better than everyone else. I just...can't stand her."

"Maybe you should try. I put up with her, you know. She's really not that bad, as long as you don't get her bragging."

"Fine. I'll try." I looked to see we were about 3 buildings away from doorway Sarah Beth and Gregory were standing at, anxiously waiting. "I guess this means we're not talking about my father."

"We still can-"

"No. Not in front of Sarah Beth and Greg."

"Well, we will later, okay?" He asked. I looked in the other direction with my eyes. "Elle?"

"Okay." I finally whispered when we finally got within hearing reach of the other couple.

"Here we are!" Sarah Beth giggled, gesturing to the door for us to go in ahead of her. I gladly did so but stopped right inside the doorway.

"This is..." I didn't know what this was. Everything was pink and gaudy. Frilly white lace curtains hung around the steamed up windows. Sitting on every table was a china sugar bowl, accompanied by lacy white napkins. Someone had turned on a radio that was playing some sappy love song,

I love you,

More than you know,

Together forever,

Eleanor Snape- Book 3Where stories live. Discover now