JUNE 2017

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I had successfully avoided Thomas the entire day, dreading the awkward rejection that was coming my way. I had just finished filming my scenes and was walking back to my trailer. My eyes darted around the lot before I quickly rushed to my parked trailer. I ripped open the door and threw myself onto the small couch with a sigh. I didn't notice Thomas sitting in the chair scrolling through his phone.

He spoke up, "you've been avoiding me." My eyes shot open to see him. I let out a small yelp of shock and instantly covered my mouth. He dropped his head in a laugh and shifted his body in the chair so he was facing me.

I swiped the messy wig from my forehead, "no I haven't." It was a complete lie but he didn't need to know that.

He shook his head, "c'mon Maya. I know you... you've been avoiding me."

I stood up shaking my head and grabbed my water bottle, "I haven't been. Now if you excuse me I need to go get my wig and makeup removed." I rushed to the door but Thomas was somehow quicker and blocked my exit.

His eyes held a mischievous glint, "perfect because I do to." I stared at his eyes that were still rimmed with dark eyeliner and felt trapped by his icy irises. I gulped and broke the eye contact. He opened the door for both of us. We filed out of the trailer and began the short walk to the costuming trailer. He bumped into me every now and then, "you can't get rid of me that easily."

I scoffed, "Please you would know if I was trying to get rid of you."

He snorted, "I don't doubt it. So if you haven't been avoiding me and you're not trying to get rid of me... what's going on?"

I shrugged, "nothing. Guess I just haven't seen you that much today."

"Thinking that all our scenes were joint scenes, I'm gonna call bullshit on that one. But I'll give you another try."

I sighed and ran my hand through the curly black wig, "Okay so maybe I was avoiding you."

"Now we're getting somewhere." It was silent for a moment between us. His next words came out surprisingly soft, "Was it because of last night?"

I didn't miss the hurt in his voice and my heart broke at the sound. I glanced up to see him and noticed his mood shift. I sighed, "I haven't been avoiding you. I've been avoiding rejection."


"No Thomas, I get it. Last night we got caught up in the moment and we kissed. That doesn't mean you want to date me and that's okay." I stopped in front of the costuming trailer, "You missed your stop."

I pointed to the makeup trailer that was a few spots back and while his head followed my finger I ducked into the costuming trailer. I didn't get to see his reaction but I assume it was one of frustration. I smiled at the costuming ladies and just took my seat as they began to carefully remove my wig. China was also in there and I guess she noticed my unusual silence because she looked at me with concern.

"Hey maya." My attention snapped to her, "You okay?"

I smiled and let out a small nod. She could tell that I didn't want to talk to her so she didn't push me. I could hear her phone ding every few seconds and I was curious as to who it was especially when she kept looking my way. It didn't take much thought to piece it together and I just groaned before looking at her.

"What's he saying?"

She bit her lip, "he's confused. Sweetheart, you confused him."

I rolled my eyes, "What did he tell you?"

"About this situation or about the uh... previous one?"

My eyebrow quirked up and I shot her a look. Her eyes darted to the ladies brushing out my wig and I understood. The costuming ladies were huge gossips.

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