A 180 Degree Turn [BoyXBoy] Chapter 3

Start from the beginning

“I see you’re back, Yelle-nii.” Nii…nii…nii. They keep calling me nii. Ah, I remember. Nii is added to my name so it means “big brother” in respect. It’s Japanese.

“Wow, both of you really grew up.” Elizabeth looks curvier now and has longer curly hair at the tips and Nick looks more like a young adult with a toned body and tall, too. Though both of them still look alike.

“Ehh…Yelle-nii, what are you wearing? You’re good looking. Why wear such shabby clothes?” Elizabeth complained.

“And your hair. It needs a trim or maybe a new style and remove that “emo” front.” Nick stopped typing and walked over to me. Nooooooooooooooooooooo! It’s going to start again. I could already feel their fashion aura. As long as they don’t like a person’s style, they tend to change it a lot to a more eye-catching look. Before, they dolled me up during summer when we meet. I change back to my old self once school started.

“It’s decided!” Lizi declared, “We are going to the mall for a total make over.”

I’m doomed.




Nick and Lizi had to drag me to the mall the next morning. We arrived the minute the mall opened. I asked Marco and Isabella to save me, but they said that the twins changing my style might be a good thing. Maybe I’d find a girl…err…guy for me when they could actually see my face. They’re traitors! Traitors, I tell you. Even maman and papan agreed when I called them last night. They even betrayed their own son. Even Yana, my final salvation, told me off. I know I’m gay and all, but, why me? Is this God’s way of saying “You don’t deserve to live!” or maybe divine punishment from heaven?

I know I might be overreacting a little…Okay, I’m really overreacting. BUT; you haven’t met my cousins yet. Nick even stole my phone and texted the girls that I won’t be able to come with them. “Family problems” Nick, told last night. Eviiiiiil!

“You can’t hide forever, Yelle-nii!” Lizi said, finding my hiding spot which was behind a plastic shrub. She pulled my ear down and led me to the boy’s section of the department where Nick was waiting with a pile of clothes surrounding him left and right.

“Inside.” Lizi demanded, pointing her petite and lady-like finger to the dressing room.

“Don’t tell me I’m fitting all of those clothes.” I whined as Nick ushered me in the dressing room.

“Actually, this is only the first part. We’re changing your whole wardrobe.” Nick said as he locked the door behind us.

“Are you going to look at me while I change? And how many clothes are you going to buy?” I asked as I took off my green Linkin Park tee.

“Yes, to help you with some clothes. As for the number of clothes, ask Liz.” He said helping me with a white button-up shirt.

“We’re buying you so many clothes that you’ll be surprised to find your Calvin Kleins at Narnia.” Lizi giggled from behind the door. Oh my. They’re going to bring the department store my room. Complaining is futile. I learned that from experience.

My loose-fitting pants were replaced by black skinny jeans with a pocket chain and a silver cross hanging on it to my knees. To finish my look, Nick made me wear a blood red sleeveless button vest with a breast pocket. He opened the door for Lizi to check my clothes out.

When she saw me, she gave out a loud squeal.

Kawaii, kawaii!” Lizi said in Japanese, “After this we’re buying you black and red high top trainers and a gold pocket watch to match the vest and give you a gothic Victorian, but with a modern look mix. The silver cross and chain is to be replaced with a gold one, but nonetheless, you did a very good job, Nicky!”

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