Our World

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Familier sites and smells make us feel humble.
Pain makes us feel alive.
Our spirit stays stribg threw heartache.
When your hart feels heavy.
When your heart feels heavy.
When your heart feels weak enough to shatter.
Don't fret, good days will come.
We just got to wait.
One wrong step.
We get back up.
We stay strong.
We plumet back down.
Each painful memory replaying itself.
All have their reasons.
Makes us human.
Beauty beholds the world.
Waiting for the right eye.
Nothing is to damaged.
Nothing is forgotton.
It lies between the cracks.
Wars carry on.
Peace never found.
We never frown.
We stand up.
Just to fall down.
A baby born.
An old man dying.
A life taken far to soon from this world.
People making mistakes.
Wrong choices.
But freedom to choose.
It all connects.
Our world.
Far from perfect.
Far from weak.
We stand divided.
We stand united.
We stand to conquer.
Making history.
Making mistakes.
Marking our world.
Marking our fate.
But even in its faults.
We love this world.
We have to.
For its our only world.
Our home.

A/N Hope you enjoyed it. I havent published in a while. Had lots going on. Comment and Vote please!💓❤

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