The Graveyard Shift

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Corpses lay silent in the cold ground.

Death around every corner.

Ghost haunt their graves, looking for revenge.

Looking for their next victim.

A group of seven teenagers arrive with their beating hearts.

Some horny, some drunk others high.

They Laughed and drank as one falls into a empty grave.

The others laugh as the grave swallows the boy whole, spitting out his weary bones.

Still hungry the spirits devoured the other kids one by one.

In the silence of the night you can hear their bones breaking, and flesh being devoured.

None of the kids even screamed as they met their fate, perhaps to scared to.

When the sun rises to meet the morning all the grounds keeper will find, is seven skulls with the mark of the devil engraved on the base.

And the spirits of the evil creatures will burry themselves back in their graves, waiting for night fall to rise again.

Authors Note: I wrote this and another one for I love it. Comment an Vote

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