👓 Chapter 19 - History

Start from the beginning

"Yes, honey"

"Are you that close to my mother?" her curiosity wouldn't let her be quiet.

"Your mother didn't tell you about this?" Ella asked, surprised. ''Yes, we've been friends for ages! and we share a good number of memories together" she smiled, remembering all the events they had together, and she smiled again in nostalgia. "You look so much like her, the alluring blue eyes, cheerfulness she never wore specs though'' she added and they both laughed.

''She was the most sought after by boys then... she had really pretty eyes and was sexy as hell..forgive me for the language..but she turned most of them down. She loved summer camps and went for most of them together , that was where she met her first boyfriend.. I hated camps and their food was gross. your mom, made me go for camps and she had the sweetest soul, most times, I couldn't help but be jealous. Your dad was the luckiest man on earth to have married her" Mariella smiled.

Wren had a hard time to process this all she couldn't have imagined that her mother was this model during her young age.a part of her smiled as her mother's life long best friend described her. Her mother didn't just strike her as the heart breaker, she always seemed to be kind, and looked like she could handle situations quite well. Mariella looked like she knew her father while they were young and decided to ask. the story was too interesting to be cut short.

"Did you know my dad before he married my mother? " she asked ,eager to dig deep into her parents' young love life. You can't blame her, this was juicy.

"Of course, Ash has always been our friend. He always had eyes for Lisa, but she was oblivious of everything. Ash was always shy and couldn't summon courage to tell your mom how he felt. But was always jealous whenever guys came around her. I knew about it, but it wasn't my call to make. He settled to being an imaginary writer and dropped letters in Lisa's locker, sometimes I helped him, it was so hilarious! " she laughed in nostalgia. And Wren laughed internally. Her parents lovelife was quite interesting.

"It took him years to finally tell her about all... Years later, they got married and here you are! Beautiful as ever. "

Mariella held the biggest grin one could ever have. Although there was a little more to the story, like why she wasn't together with her best friends... But it wasn't a story she could tell. Wren looked thrilled to have heard a story about her parents.

"Mhh.. That explains why you know my Jewish name "

"Yeah, also because you were named after my mom. She does the same year you were born. And Lisa was really close to her. I was never Jewish though, my dad wasn't. This was the one thing Lisa couldn't talk me into. "
She saw the look on Wren's face and almost regretted saying it.

"I'm so sorry. Mom never told me about it. I'll come to treasure that name forever."

"Yes, baby " she replied
"I could get you some of our old pictures. " At that , she left the huge dinning room to Wren, who was busy with her food.

She was actually happy with Ella. She was really close to her mom, and held beautiful memories with her. That should be why she got a job at Cindy's.
Really impressive...

She smiled to herself, she had unravelled mystery one.. How she got to work at Cindy's.

She cut a piece of chicken and shoved into her mouth as she ate. Greedily.. Having a taste of everything before her. Opportunities like this don't always come... And she wished Travis was here with her and she loved sharing her happy moments with him.

She soon became tired of eating, and no househelp was here. She packed the dishes and started looking for the kitchen. Since Mariella wasn't coming.

She was very rich and popular, Wren thought she was either attending to a business call, an international call, or speaking with the president of the US. Yeah, that was how influential they were. She still couldn't find her way to the kitchen, and it looked like all the house help were engaged, and it was suspicious. After about fifteen minutes, she found the kitchen and proceeded to wash the dishes.. Luckily, there was a dishwasher, making it all easier.

"I told you mom. It wasn't really my fault!"

She heard a familiar. Then she heard footsteps walking towards the kitchen. It was Tristan! And she knew she had to hide herself before he came in. There was no freaking way he could see her in his kitchen. Immediately she hid herself carefully.

Immediately, he walked in and went straight to the refrigerator. He was only wearing a denim short and hung his shirt over his shoulder. The sight of his well built body with pronounced abs and muscles made her a little uncomfortable. His body was to die for.... But she was still pissed at him for today's event. He was really something else.

The position she was in was really uncomfortable and she almost cried for release... He wasn't moving! It looked like he was knowingly tormenting her. He was good at that, though...

.....and nothing

Sorry for the late update...
I really can't promise it'll get any better
I get really tight schedule and I have to cough out time to do this. I'm really sorry.. Very very sorry...

THE  NERDY GIRL On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara