What if Leon's right?

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Francesca and Camila went into the music room and saw Violetta.

Camila: Hey, Violetta are you okay?

Francesca: Yeah, what's wrong?

Violetta: Nothing, I'm fine

Camila: Are you still mad at Diego?

Francesca: Yeah, what's up with that?

Violetta: I don't know I just can't trust him I don't know what to do.

Camila: But, it was all because of Ludmila, do you think those would be together no way?

Francesca: Nothing is impossible with Ludmila.

Violetta: But, girls what if Leon's right? What if Diego and Ludmila are working together?

Camila: Oh, now you listening to Leon too much.

Francesca: Well, when Leon's sure of something he doesn't lie.

Violetta: Girls I need to talk to Ludmila and see what she thinks of it.

Francesca: But won't she lie?

Camila: I think Leon is jealous like he wouldn't say anything nice about Diego anyway because he's a jerk, an arrogant jerk who doesn't like seeing you happy, remember he went out with Ludmila so he was once a bad boy Violetta a bad boy always a bad boy.

Francesca: Hey, that's my boyfriend your talking about.

Camila: Oh, well he doesn't even know if he loves you, Francesca.

Francesca: Uh, excuse me he does love me we sorted out our differences yesterday.

Camila: Yeah, until he talks to Violetta again.

Violetta: Girls your not helping right now.

F/C: Sorry.

Violetta saw Ludmila in the corridor.

Violetta: Well, I congratulate you on your big act, Ludmila

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Violetta: Well, I congratulate you on your big act, Ludmila.

Ludmila: What do you mean by that?

Violetta: You know your big act of being friends but you weren't any of our friends were you? You just wanted to get close, so you could hurt us even more but you didn't succeed I can tell you one thing Ludmila you are going to end up alone if you keep up with these games of yours.

Ludmila: I don't ever end up alone because I'll have my career unlike you.

Violetta: yeah, you'll have your career but fame and success are one thing but friends and family are another you can lose your career where you'll never lose family or friends because they'll support you through anything, but you're choosing wrong Ludmila.

Ludmila: Your only saying family because you're knocked up, wow talk about slut I bet it's not even Diego's, I bet it's Leon's baby.

Violetta: Do you love acting this way towards people?

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