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Rubia's POV

Last week was a very shameful and awful week because Dan wants to be my other father and he punished me for leaving at the casino in Vegas. Working full-time at the hospital was a bum, but at least by then I had my paycheck, too bad I had to give it to Dan, I wonder what he did with it....hopefully nothing stupid.

I am still very mad at him at the moment, when he comes back from work today, he'll notice something very different about this little girl. Why do I feel like I don't love him anymore? I don't know. Maybe it's because my rage is taking over, or it's because I'm just a bitch and I love it. Either way, it's gonna be an unexpected surprise for Danny.

Blankness. I wasn't able to do anything, not watch TV, no laptop or go in my room and draw. Bullshit. So all I did was eat, go to the bathroom, and stare at nothing for hours while I was laying on the living room couch. I hated this badly, I hated him badly, but I'll let him know.

(Another hour later, Danny finally comes home)

"Hey there, Rubia.", Danny greeted. I silently growled at him. "So, did you understand why I punished you all this time I was gone?", he asked. "Yeah, because I disobeyed you and the others by just leaving on my own when you told me not to.", I replied sarcastically. "And that apology note you wrote, we loved it because it touched us, I nearly cried, and yes we all forgive you.", he said. "Whatever...", I grumbled. "And you can come in whenever starting tomorrow.", he said. "Oh great.", I huffed. How exciting....not! No one will suspect a thing yet until I come in....unless I want to.

Dan gave a confused look, something must be off about me.....yeah there is. "Um, is something up?", he asked. "No, I'm just....bored. And I can't do shit just because!", I replied. "Rubi, your punishment was over last Saturday. I allowed you to be on your laptop and let you draw.", he mentions. "Too bad, I didn't do any of it.", I said. "Why not?", he asked. "I'd rather stare at things than at a screen right now.", I sassed. Ooooh bitchy! I like this.

I turned over on the couch. "Well....at least you learned something about it, and I decided to reward you with a special something you might like.", he spoke.

What the fuck? Why would he do that?

"What do you mean?", I asked turning back over. "So, with your paycheck you gave me....I s-sorta cashed it and I kinda....upgraded your phone.", he confessed. He did what? Oh hell nah! "You did what, Daniel?!", I replied. "Well since your phone is pretty outdated, I went ahead and bought you a new one, same phone number and I put your SD card in there, just please...open it.", he said handing me a box. I looked at him with a mean stare.

I opened the box to see an iPhoneX. I've always dreamed of having an iPhone for once, it seemed like it came true, but now it's gonna be crushed. I closed the box and set it on the coffee table. My mind's telling me not to attack him, but my body says fucking strangle him, so I madly tackled Dan on the floor.

"Are you fucking serious?!? I did not give you permission to do this with my goddamn paycheck!", I shouted. "Ww-what are you talking about?! I-I wanted to do this for y-you!", he sputtered, "You know you deserve it, you know it!" I pulled his hair in rage. "You didn't have to do it, and NO, I DON'T DESERVE SHIT!!", I yelled.
"Why are you mad, Rubia?", he whimpered. "Because dammit, I'm upset that you had to punish me as if I was your child.....I'm NOT your daughter! How come you can't get that through your thick Jewish head, Daniel?", I replied tugging on his hair more.

He decided to push me back on the couch. "Listen to me, Athena, I'm older than you, I can have authority over you! I have that right in our relationship.", he explained. I shook my head in denial. "I only did this because I love you....and you know that!", he said, "Just please....accept my gift to you..." I took the little box and went in the bedroom, I slammed the door behind.

'I hate him, I hate him, I hate him!', I thought, but this is only the beginning. There will be more...

Anti-You (Epilogue to "Missing At Midnight")Where stories live. Discover now