.a/n. [1]

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Hello everyone, 

First off! I'd like to thank everyone for the Votes and reads, it means so much to me, truly. 

I know I haven't updated this and other books in a good long while, and for that I'm so very sorry. I feel bad for making you all wait, but below will be my reasons why:

Last October there was a misunderstanding and miscommunication between me and another author here, where it seemed like I stole their work, when really I was just trying to show them support and how much I myself loved their book, I suppose I went too far in my excitement to show my enthusiasm?  However, everything was taken the wrong way when I couldn't answer people on time (I was out of wifi reception and out running errands) everyone was on a witch hunt after me when I wouldn't respond right away, saying horrible things and even downright Transphobic messages and death threats were sent to me via PM. I tried my best to explain, but in the end I fixed my wrong, and never spoke to anyone again. I thought it was all over, until I received PM's AGAIN with mean things and again Transphobic slurs and messages back in mid November. They kept coming to me thru fake/quick made accounts and I couldn't block them? I don't know if Wattpad blocks IP or not, but either way, the messages were getting to me and I was done. 

I even fully wanted to just deleted this account and start fresh but...Fuck that. 

I'm done with mean people who don't listen to the whole story, and I'm sure as hell not giving up for those who've supported me thus far. 

So! I know it's hella late, but I'm gonna finish up the requests I was already working on and accept new ones! Thank you for sticking around, and I hope you enjoy the future chapters loves.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2017 ⏰

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