"You'll get them soon enough."

"At least tell me where I am," Clarke hissed.

Roan looked at her, his beady eyes searching hers for any intimidation. When he could see that he wouldn't find any, he cleared his throat. "Azgeda of the North End. I'm assuming I don't need to believe Lexa never told you about us?"

"Lexa told me enough. And Lexa isn't here," Clarke said sullenly.

Roan grunted and stood up, his anger bubbling at the thought of the brunette haired girl with the forest green eyes. "I have no strife with you Clarke. You won't be hurt here."

"You lead them. How do I know you're telling the truth?" Clarke asked.

Roan shook his head and merely looked down at his leather boots. "I'm afraid I don't lead them. I'm just a figurehead. My father leads us."

"Your...father?" Clarke asked, wracking her brain for any memory of Lexa mentioning Roan's father. She was certain she had never heard anything of the sort.

"He'd like to meet with you. That's who we're waiting on now. Just follow my lead and don't talk back," Roan said stiffly.

He looked as if she'd struck a nerve. Maybe Roan and his father didn't get along? Clarke had no idea and wasn't sure if she cared. All she was betting on was whether or not Roan would stick to his promise of not hurting her.

As if on cue, the door to the chambers that Clarke was stuffed in opened from behind her, but because of the direction she was positioned in on the chair, she couldn't see who had arrived.

Roan tried his hardest to maintain a stoic expression, but to Clarke it looked somewhat like a grimace. "Father, our journey across the border was successful."

No response. Clarke assumed Roan's father had just nodded.

Roan's eye flitted uneasily to Clarke before continuing. "She's here. We finally have her. And Lexa will have no choice but to come and get her. Then, we can finally get revenge for my mother."

"Patience, Roan. That's not the only reason I brought Clarke here," the somewhat familiar and fairly average voice said.

Clarke wrinkled her eyebrows in confusion. Who was this guy? Why would he want her to be here if she didn't even know who he was? And if Lexa wasn't the reason Clarke was here, why was she really?

She felt a hand on her back, probably from Roan's father, and immediately tried her hardest to shy away despite the tough ropes that held her in place.

She was disgusted. What type of sick fuck was this guy?

"Don't you dare fucking touch me," Clarke snapped.

"That's exactly the attitude I expected out of her," the man said to Roan who was beginning to scowl. The way he spoke seemed as if he was ignoring Clarke despite her literally being right next to him.

Clarke was then swiveled around by Roan who really didn't have much else to say to his father.

And when Clarke saw the man standing behind her, she felt exceptionally surprised just by how normal he looked. He certainly didn't seem like a mob boss.

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