chapter twenty-six

Start from the beginning

"You mentioned something along the lines of me fucking a retired whore but, isn't that what you're doing?"

Tommy's jaw tensed at Campbell's comment and with one quick movement, Tommy was had Campbell by the throat. "This is between me and you. Rosie is not involved in this side of the business, do you understand? If you say one more bad thing about her then I will fucking hunt you down and make you suffer a lengthy and excruciating death. Is that understood?"

Tommy was extremely irritated. He wanted nothing much but to harm Campbell and cause him pain, but Tommy had to wait and buy himself time. The pleasure of making Campbell squirm and scream would be satisfying and Tommy was willing to wait.

"When I fucked her – "

"Shut your bastard mouth before I cut your fucking tongue out and feed it to the dogs."

"– she did this wonderful thing with her tongue." Campbell smiled up at Tommy, not at all phased by the hand tightening around his throat or the look of murder in Tommy's eyes. Even though he wouldn't admit it, Tommy needed Campbell and was desperate to find out what this business was that Campbell had asked him to the fancy hotel for. "Has she done it for you?"

"Just don't mention her again, please."

Campbell knew that hurting and bringing up Rosie would cause nothing but pain for Tommy. He loved the girl, more than he had ever loved anyone – more than Grace, Lizzie and the other girls that he had slept with in the two years after Grace first vanished leaving behind nothing but a long line of mess, disaster and heartbreak. Inspector Campbell had plans for Rosie which included different ways of hurting both her and Tommy. She was an innocent woman who had fell for the wrong man, but Campbell didn't care for that, he just wanted someone to suffer the same way he had suffered when Grace denied him.

"Shall we talk business then?"

Tommy nodded before releasing Campbell from his grip. A few heavy breaths left Campbell's shaking frame as Tommy walked back over to the seat and poured himself another glass of tea. He needed something stronger to take the edge off, but Tommy had promised Rosie that there wasn't going to be any drinking during the meeting because it made him irrational.

"I have other places to be, so I would appreciate it if you sped things along. I don't want to waste any more of my time in your fucking company," Tommy spat as he looked out of the window. If he looked Campbell in the eyes, then he feared that he would pull a gun out on him and shoot the God forsaken man right between the eyes. It was the least that he deserved.

"You are going to kill Henry Russell, in his home, while he sleeps."

"Excuse me?" Tommy scoffed and shook his head slowly. "Who the fuck decided this?"

"Winston Churchill, your old friend. You will be representing the British Government as well as the Irish Republican Army. Working on this... case... is Winston Churchill, Irene O'Donnell, Donal Henry and myself."

Tommy laughed quietly before throwing his head back, slowly puffing on his half-smoked cigarette. "Why me?"

"For some reason, Winston Churchill has taken a liking to you. He trusts you and knows that you can get the job done." Campbell rolled his eyes before sighing. "If you don't carry out this assassination – "

"I'm not," Tommy interrupted, looking at Campbell straight in the eyes to show that he was being serious. This was no game to Tommy, he had Rosie to look out for. "If I kill another man then Winston or whoever fucking else is just going to keep throwing names at me until I end up dead myself. One assassination, leads to two, which leads to three and I won't fucking be that person."

"If you don't carry out this assassination." Campbell paused before his mouth turned into a smile, sickening Tommy. "Then Rosie Mason will end up dead. Do you understand?"


Authors note: This chapter may be boring but it was necessary, there's a lot of hidden meaning and shit in this chapter that will be relevant in future chapters. I've decided that I won't be updating this book every day like I have been doing because it's exhausting and i feel like the chapters are slacking. Therefore, updates will be once every couple of days (so, you are still getting three chapters a week) and when I am not writing for this story, I will be writing for midwife which is a Michael Gray fic which has been posted on my profile. 

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