Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

“Oh my gosh” I say out loud as I run towards Sabrina. Not even thinking about Diamond, I kneel next to her and roll her over.

“Sabrina-can you hear me?”

No answer.

“Sab if you can hear me, say something”. Finally, after what feels like an eternity she moves a little.

“Don’t try to move honey, let me help you.” As I tried to lift her, she screamed out in pain. Crap! I don’t want to leave her out here by herself to go get mom.

“Ok, Sab I’m going to lift you up and it might hurt but I need to go get you help and I’m not going to leave you out here.”

“Ugh” she said. I took that as an answer. I gently picked her up, wincing as she cried out. I tried to murmur words of comfort but it didn’t help. I walked as fast I could up to the house and kicked the door until mom answered.

“Honey! What is going on” she gasped.

“There was an accident, and Sabrina is badly injured. We have to take her to the hospital NOW!” I spit out.

“OMG, ok, I’ll go get your father and Zach and you get her into the truck.”

I got the keys to our truck and went back outside. I looked down at Sabrina in my arms and gasped. She was covered in blood with tears spilling down her face. I walked faster and once I got to the truck, shifted her wait to one arm and opened the back door. Rather than buckle her up, I climbed in with her in my arms and laid her on my lap. Her eyes were shut but she was still crying.

“You’re going to be fine Sab. It’s okay, you’re okay!” I said as I rocked her back and forth. I quickly swiped my tears away and waited for the rest of my family to come. I watched as Dad, Mom and a confused Zach ran to the truck and jumped in. Dad sped out of the property and towards the hospital.

The hospital was about 30 minutes away, but with my Dad’s driving we got there in about 20.

“Sam-hand Sabrina down to me” he yelled as he opened my door. I handed him my little sisters’ practically limp body and got out. Mom went rushing inside with Dad, and I helped Zach get out of the car.

“What is wrong with Sab?” he asked. Poor boy, he must have been so confused.

“There was an accident and she got hurt, but she will be fine.” I awer as he takes my hand. We walk into the hospital and I don’t see Mom or Dad. We walk up to the desk and I ask where they were.

“The doctors took them straight back because the little girl was in very bad condition.” the old lady behind the counter answers.

“Thank you” I say and turn to go sit down in the waiting area. I sit in a chair and Zach crawls up onto my lap. I hug him close and pray that Sab is ok.

After about 2 hours a woman in a white coat comes out and calls “Samantha Johnson?”

“Yes?” I answer.

“You can come on back.” I stand up, pick up Zach and follow the lady through a pair of double doors. We walk down a hallway, turn and keep walking and stop at room 108.

“You can go in” the lady says. We walk in and I see Dad hugging a sobbing Mom.

“Mom? What is going on?” I ask.

“S-s-she will b-b-be f-f-fine.” She stutters.

“Then what is wrong?”

“She broke her left arm, has a concussion and fractured a rib.” My dad replies. I’m stunned, so many injuries to my small, little sister.

“She will be okay though right?”

“Yeah, she is in surgery right now. They are re-setting the bone, and then they are going to cast it. The rib will take time to heal, and the only we can do to make it better is wrap it every morning.”

“Okay” I say. However, I am still shocked over how broken Sabrina is. I’m still holding Zach, so I set him down and he runs over to Mom who picks him up and hugs him close.

“How long until Sabrina comes out of surgery?” I ask my parents.

“Maybe another 30 minutes.” Dad answers.

“Okay, well I’m going to go down to the café and get a drink. Anyone want to join me?”

“No thanks” both Mom and Dad say.

“Zach? Do you?” I ask him.

“YEEEEEES!” he answers, with all the excitement a five year old could have.

“Then lets’ go buddy!” Zach grabs my hand and we walk to the café. He picks out a chocolate bar and I get a bag of chips and a soda. We pay, and walk over to a table.

“Can I have some soda?” Zach asks.

“Of course.” I hand him the bottle and watch him take a couple sips. He looks happy and care free but I can tell something is bothering him.

“You okay?” I ask him gently.


“Are you sure? You can tell me anything.”


“Zach, tell me.” He puts the lid on the soda, hands it to me and looks down.

“I’m scared.” He says it so quietly I thought I misheard him.

“You’re scared? Why?” I ask him curiously.

“I’m scared for Sabrina. I want her to be okay. I want to see her.” As he says this a tear slips down his cheek. I’m shocked

“Come here buddy” I say. He stands up and crawls into my lap with his body facing me.

“Sabrina will be fine Zach. You will get to see her in less than an hour. You don’t have to cry, everything will be okay.”

“Do you promise Sammy?”

 “I promise.” We sit with him hugging me for about 15 minutes before he droops and falls asleep right in my arms. It’s late and everyone is probably exhausted. I stand up, gently rearrange him in my arms without waking him and walk back to room 108. When I near the room, Mom and Dad are standing outside looking concerned.

“What is wrong” I almost shout as I near them.

“Oh, Sam thank goodness you’re back. Sabrina is barely up and is hysterical crying. She keeps asking for you. Hand me Zachary, and go in to see her.” I hand her a sleeping Zach and walk into the room. The first thing I see is a huge, cast on her arm. Then I look, and see my sister.

“Sam?” Sabrina croaks. She stopped crying-that’s good.

“It’s me Sab. I’m here.” I say as I walk up to her bed. As I near she starts to cry again.

“Shh, Sab. You’re okay. What is wrong?”

“It hurts so bad Sam. My head, my arm, my body-everything” As she says this, it’s then that I notice the bruises and black and blue marks all across her body.

“I know, honey, I know. But you are a tough cookie and you will get through this. Trust me; you are so strong and tough.” She stops crying and looks at me.

“The doctor said I won’t be able to ride for at least 2 months.” She says quietly. “What am I going to do? He said that even though my arm will heal in about six weeks, my ribs will hurt for longer.”

“You’ll get through it sweetie. I promise.” I reassure her.

“I hope so” Sabrina replies.

 “Will you come back?” She quickly asks.

“Of course, I will.”

“Okay bye.” Sabrina says.

“Cowgirl Up and you will be fine.” I kiss her forehead and walk to the door when I hear her say my name.

“Yes?” I ask her.

“I love you Sam.”

“I love you too Sabrina.”

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