Part one

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Shelbys POV

I was at the mall. didn't really need anything from any shops but i've been recording all day so i felt like I had to get out the house.


I had a gotten a few things from o few different stores.
As I walking through the mall minding my own business. This obnoxious dude not at all paying attention to what he was going bumped in to and made me and all of my stuff fall.

"Oh my god i'm so sorry"
He helped me get up, then picked up my stuff.
Watch where you're going next to ti-
I said with an attitude while looking up to reveal is amazingly cute face, and his great hair.

I stoped my sentence then looked down again and blushed.
I apologized for my attitude.

"It's fine, you're attitude was understandable I should've been paying attention to were i was going."

N-no i s-shouldn't have b-been s-so rude.
I said with a clear blush on my face.

"Trust me it's fine"

I smiled at the ground.
W-well i better get g-going now.
I said as an excuse to get the hell out of there before I was as red as a tomato.

He said as we went our separate ways.

Fuck he was cute.
He was tall, he had amazing curly hair, and his face was great.
Im probably never going to see him ever again.
Which breaks my heart.
But stranger who ever the hell you are.
You're perfect

Oof that was cliche

Perfect strangersحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن