chapter 3.

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"Just talk to me, out of boredom they will themselves go", Himanshu replied

"But dude Im like talking to you from the past 20 minutes and they have'nt gone ".

"Tell them that you have a boyfriend and if they ask you who is tell tell them my name".

"Himanshu NO. I just dont want anything to do with any guy."
*I cut the call*

I walked towards them. I didnt look in their direction but just went and sat with my friends.

Suddenly out of nowhere mehmooda comes up to me and "Arey anthea he just wants to have a friendship with you just say a YES and finish it off na".
Muskan continued "Yeah that's what he's standing here from the past half an hour and your just not even giving him a second glance.

I didn't say anything. I just took my bag and walked towards the station to go back home.

The next day while going to college I met my bestfriend Angel on the way & and I told her bout this guy and we both started laughing on such a cheap behaviour by him.
Today too I didnt attend any leactures. It was evening time and this group of guys come again and I told my friend to call me asap. We spoke like for 45 minutes and they still were standing there. You peice of shit cant you see Im not interested in you ? Why do you come always to loose your self respect ? (HuH).

I go back to my friends to sit and these guys come up to us and start talking to Mehmooda and Muskan. They both come up to me and tell me to just tell yes for a friendship and finish it off atleast it will stop him from coming everyday. So i told them OKAY I'LL TRY TO NOT INSULT HIM OR SAY ANYTHING AND COME BACK POLITELY.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" The guy in red named Malik asked me.
God damn it! You want a friendship right ? Then why tf are you concerned about my boyfriend or rather my personal life huh ?  But yea obviously all this was inside my head and didn't speak any of it aloud.

"No." I answered politely in my meanest tone.
"And may I know why so ?"
Now it' s high time dude you asking me stuff about my personal life. Like who tf are you and why do you fckn even care ? Just take the fucking friendship and shift your asses from here.
But i dont know why each time that I wanted to say something mean a voice inside me stopped it. Voices always scream inside of me but I never listen to them but with these peeps I kept my calm and just answered whatever he wanted to know.

"Umm...just not interested anymore". I answered.

"Well,okay. This guy (pointing towards the guy opposite him) wants to have a friendship with you, Can you be his friend ?" Malik spoke.

Yeah as though I was given a choice right. I was disgusted looking at them. I mean they were good looking but no sense of mannerism and didn't seem as they would even know English or do they even have an education? But yeah I could'nt just judge anyone by this so I said " Yeah Okay I'll be his friend".

"So Can I have your number?" Malik asked for it.
And these voices inside of me just could'nt shut up. They were screaming and making my head ache which made me always go in a statue mode which made them wonder if anything was wrong with me. I was shocked at how at the very instant he asked me for my number.

"Well Okay take it". And I gave Malik my number.

And then the guy who wants to have a friendship with me comes up to me and speaks.

"So tell me, why dont you have a boyfriend?"
"Umm. I surely had one but Im not interested anymore. Its been 4 months and Im having no interest."

We just spoke for a while you can say 2 minutes after which I left for home.

As I was walking to the station I called Himanshu and told him whatever had happened.

"Are you mad? How can you just give that guy you number. You dont even know him. Are you seriously gone nuts?"

"What else could I have done? He comes everyday; atleast maybe he'd stop coming"

"And what makes you think he wont text you or call and annoy you ?".

"Ugh. We'll think of all this later" and I ended the call.
I could clearly say from Himanshu's voice that he was quiet annoyed and irritated on me but he tried not to yell or shout at me.

Well, days pass this guy texts me but as usual I see no interest and reply to him like hours later or maybe even after a day or two.

His name on instagram was Zishan and whenever he called me he said "Zubair speaking" I did'nt have the slightest clue what was his name and I was least bothered to know about it too.

I dont know why but each time I spoke to him I did'nt feel it right so I never had any conversation with him. He asked me to meet him. I did'nt agree firstly but later I did.

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