I was a little mad that I swung all the way for nothing
None of that was the problem. Her clothes were.

She was wearing a flimsy, green, the Last Jedi t shirt which was till her mid thighs, so translucent I could see her black underwear. Also that she wasn't wearing a bra. That was very clear.

"Uh, come in." She opened it wider so I could enter, still dumbfounded to a nicely decorated large but messy room. I think I even saw a condom but I couldn't be too sure, Sanya threw it away almost as soon as I entered.

"Sit." She points to the large, brown L-shaped sofa.

"You're alive." I say stupidly.

She looks confused.
"I am alive...Why...oh! I am so sorry, Peter. I didn't think of you at all, your anxiety, I should've told you the reason." She looks sadly up at me and I melt.

"Which is...." I motion for her to continue.

"Today's date. Spetember 13th." She says nervously.

Flashbacks hit me.

"Hi, Peter." A broken little, cry-y voice enters my ears.

"Hi, Lil. What's-" I just begin to ask in pretty much the same voice when she cuts me off.

"Don't come today. Don't come over. Please. Ever. I can't, we...I...I can't forgive myself for what happened. And I know you hate me and.... I'm sorry, Peter. I love you so so much it hurts but we..I...can't. And you shouldn't. Be with me. Goodbye." And she hung up without another world.

I sit, oblivious to world as I try to process what happened. The love of my life, my soulmate, my best friend, the mother of my child just broke up with me.

I cry and throw things and yell, not knowing that by saying those things she not only broke my heart but also broke hers. Not knowing that she hasn't left her room in months even after recovering, claiming she was still too sick for class, crying her heart out everyday.

_end flashback_

"It's September already?" I say the stupidest response to her words but it was true. I barely keep track of the months except Christmas and New Year's. And Thanksgiving.

"Yeah." She sits down beside me.

"So you didn't come because-" I was still confused.

"I couldn't see you today. You may not have realised what today is but I did. It's the day I broke both our hearts."

"Was....was it because you stopped loving me?"

"I could never stop loving you, Clumsy. This is informal, right?" She says, suddenly worried.

"Considering what you're wearing and my reaction to it, yes. Yes it is. And I mean both the Star Wars tee and the transparency of it."

She blushes but still continued.

"It was..because of what I cost you."

I was so confused. What had she cost me?

"What are you talking about?" I say incredulously.

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