He's the only one who's there lately.

Sighing, I threw the last in the bag and zipped it up.

"Hey.", Christian spoke, pulling me into his arms for a hug. "It'll be okay, you have me, I'm not going anywhere."

He held me for awhile before he spoke again.

"I saw Amy leave, did you have a nice catch up?", he asked.

"Yeah, it was nice.", I nodded with a small smile. "It was great to talk to a female, since y'know Trish decided to just ignore me."

"Trish is just an ignorant bitch who doesn't understand what you're going through, you don't need her if she's just going to be like that.", Christian sneered.

I felt a sick feeling come across me when he spoke about her like that, yet I didn't say anything about it.

"Look, my match is next, I gotta go."

"Okay then. Good luck!", I smiled.

"Thanks.", Christian smiled back, placing a kiss on my cheek before leaving.

Running a hand through my hair I decided to just sit down and watch the pay per view for awhile.


I've sat here for most of the duration of the show, Amy's words mulling around in my mind that I should go and speak to Randy.

But he doesn't need this now, he has a match to worry about and I don't want to bother him with this.

Sighing, I realise that Trish's match against Lita for the Women's Championship is next, Trish already in the ring mocking Lita as she walks down to the ring.

The match starts, Lita punching Trish to the mat, and the rest went downhill from there.

They both ended up out the ring, both of them driving each others faces into the announce table where Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross sat. That was, until Lita hit the drop toe hold, sending Trish into a steel chair, face first.

And then came the chair shot to the back of Trish, signalling the match over.

Trish Stratus wins via disqualification, retaining her title.

She wasn't moving.

I sat forward, wondering if Trish was okay.

She eventually moved, holding her nose as blood dripped from it, getting in her hair and on her face.

Lita's attack didn't stop, her going after Trish again and again, being held back by the referee which lead Trish being pushed face first into the ring post, falling to the floor.

"My nose, my nose!", Trish cried as the doctors by the ring attended to her, Lita being forced up the ramp as the match was over.

I stood up and headed for the doctors room, hoping to meet Trish there. I had to make sure she was okay, even if we're not on speaking terms at the moment. She's still family.

"Hey, there she is.", a voice spoke causing me to turn around. "Lady with the baby.", it was Maven, with a smirk on his face.

"What do you want?", I asked bluntly, annoyed that he stopped me, wanting to get to Trish as soon as possible.

"Woah, calm down. Wouldn't want to get you stressed out, would we?", he laughed.

I stood there with my arms cross, staring at him blankly.

"So urm, what's it like knowing that you were knocked up by a guy who used you for a bet? Must feel pretty shit, right?", he questioned, that smirk still on his face.

That hurt.

Even though I know, it still hurts to be reminded about it.

"I mean everyone is happy for you and Orton, but do they know the truth? That how you are nothing but a bet? Just another notch in Randy's belt to boost his ego and earn him $250?", he mocked causing me to look down at the floor.

I could feel the tears welling up.

If I wasn't pregnant, this guy would be on the floor receiving punches to the face right now. Taking a deep breath in, I looked back at him. "I don't have time for your bullshit, Maven.", I rolled my eyes as I started to walk away only to feel him grab my wrist.

"Don't you dare walk aw-", Maven was cut off by being thrown into the wall.

I looked to my side, it was Randy.

He looked at me, asif he was giving me a once over checking if I was okay. He then turned his head to Maven, his breathing quickening with anger as he tried to control himself, only failing to.

His hand went to Maven's throat, Maven's eyes just about popping out of his head.

"Talk or touch her ever again, I will not hesitate to put your ass on the injured list. Got that?", Randy said in a low, threatening tone, his words clear and to the point.

Maven nodded, gulping.

Randy pulled him off of the wall and shoved him in the opposite direction. "Get your ass out of here, don't let me catch you within ten feet of her.", he spoke in a harsh tone as Maven stumbled off running down the corridor. Turning round, he faced me, looking calmer than he did several seconds ago.

Slowly he took steps to stand infront of me. "He didn't hurt you or anything, did he?", Randy asked, his face full of concern and his voice quieter and softer as he reached for my hands, taking them in his and raised them slightly, examining my wrists to see if Maven had left any marks when he grabbed me.

This was our first physical contact since three weeks ago.

I missed his touch, his presence, his everything.

"No.", I muttered as I stared up at him, his eyes meeting mine when he looked up at me. My hands still remained in his as we stood there.

A reminder of Amy's words came to mind again, telling me to talk to him about the scan.

I opened my mouth, trying to get my words out. Randy's face lit up slightly, a slightly hopeful look in his eyes, waiting to hear what I was going to say.

"Good luck."

Dammit, Melody.

His hands left mine as he processed my words. "Oh, right.", he nodded slightly. "Thanks.", his face faltered into a false tight-lipped smile, I knew those weren't the words he was hoping to hear.

I knew those weren't the words I was hoping to say to him. He turned around and started walking away.

"Randy.", I called out, he stopped and turned around slightly. "Thankyou.", I smiled slightly, thanking him from saving me from Maven.

"No problem, Melody.", he shrugged, nodding before turning and walking away.


Soooo, there we have it.

I felt we needed a Randy/Melody encounter in this, and what a better one than him coming to her rescue.

It kinda messed with my own feelings writing these two in a scene together after so long.

Thanks for reading! Reviews and votes appreciated. :)

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