Try Again

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After the scene in catering - thanks Trish, I appreciate it - I started heading back to my station, mainly to avoid Christian for the rest of the night.

The look on his face, it just bothered me.

I had no doubt that I'd hear what he has to say about it soon, not that I should really care. Heck, if Randy couldn't give a damn about him then why can't I?

Christian has nothing to do with mine and Randy's relationship, yet he has so much to say about it.

I don't understand it.

And they say women are complex.. heh.

"Hey, wait up.", I heard a voice call from behind me, down the hallway.

I halted, turning around to see Randy. "Hi.", I smiled.

"Hi back. You okay?", he asked as he draped his arm across my shoulder, pulling me into him.

I nodded as we walked together, placing around his waist. "I'm okay.", I replied.

"Just okay?", Randy questioned again, his voice stressing on 'okay'.

I rolled my eyes with a smile, trust Randy to stress over me being 'just okay'. "I'm fine Randy. Nothing good, nothing bad. Just neutral, okay?"

"If you say so.", he simply shrugged.

"So, what you doing tonight?", I asked moving away from the subject at hand.

"Match with Hunter, everyone in the Elimination Chamber gets involved to hype up the match ready for Sunday."

Elimination Chamber, sigh.

You can't really blame me for dreading Randy going through this match, especially after the two previous matches what had been held in the chamber.

Randy had already been in one of them, and ended up getting speared into oblivion by Goldberg.

Also Chris Jericho got speared into the chamber pod.

Poor Jericho.

And with the current storylines going on - the highlight being the feud between Triple H and Randy Orton - it wasn't going to be pretty.

Randy looked at me, noticing the weary expression on my face. "I'm going to be okay in there Mel, we know what we're doing."

"I'm not worried about you, I'm worried about Adam and Chris.", I joked, smiling.

Randy pulled a face, placing his hand over his heart with mock hurt, "And here I was thinking you cared about me."

Laughing, I shook my head at his reaction. "Randy I'm being serious, a match like this is really dangerous, you could really hurt yourself.", I sighed.

"I understand your concern, the risks are there, but we know what they are."

"Just promise me you'll come out in one piece.", I sighed.

Randy smiled placing a kiss on my forehead, "For you, I promise."

"Ah, there you are. I've been looking for you.", Dave spoke as he stopped beside Randy. "Hey there, Melody."

"Hi Dave.", I smiled.

"How's the baby? This one treating you alright?", he asked punching Randy lightly on the arm, only to receive one right back.

Look at these two, acting like a pair of high school jocks socking one another in their arms.

"Doing good, and he's doing fine, just worrying over the little things.", I smirked at Randy causing him to shush me.

Love of a Legend Killer (Randy Orton/OC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant